chap07-Sampling Dist..
Ch. 18
11.5 Commonly used distributions
1.3. The Normal Distributions
1- An oil change shop advertised to change oil within 15 minutes
Chapter 9: Normal Curve
Chapter 4 Using Probability and Probability Distributions
Chapter 3
Measures of Central Tendency
Introduction to Decision Analysis
MATH30-6 Lecture 10
Math 54 – Final Review
Making Decisions about a Population Mean with Confidence
MA116 Guided activity 6.2
Lecture 35 - Hypothesis Testing Mean
Lecture 2, PHYS1140 - University of Colorado Boulder
Lecture 11 - Rice University
Lecture 03_Variability - Summer School in Social Sciences
Last Revision: Fall 2016-2017 SYLLABUS MTH 265 MTH 265