Building Verifiable Trusted Path on Commodity x86 Computers
BIOS Startup Firmware
Chapter 6: Operating Systems: The Genie in the Computer
Chapter 6 Introduction to Network Operating Systems
1.1. The UNIX Operating System
AsyMOS - An Asymmetric Multiprocessor Operating System
Linux Processes
Optimizing the Migration of Virtual Computers
Operating Systems: Basic Concepts and Challenges against
Operating System Support for Hybrid Main Memory NVM+DRAM
Implementation of Log Based File Systems on Open Source
ISA_673-android_presentation_(1) - eee
Upload Files to Servers. Case Study and Implementation
The Active Streams Approach to adaptive distributed systems
What is an Operating System? • Three views of an operating system
Week 5
בקרת גישה - Access Control פרק 4 בספר "Security Engineering" של רוס
Windows booting procedure
Processes and System Calls
Proceedings of HotOS IX: The 9th Workshop on USENIX Association