Business to Business / Internet Information
Best Shortest Lightpath Routing for Translucent Optical
An SNMP Agent for Active In-network Measurements
An Overlay-Based Data Mining Architecture
An Information-Theoretic View of Connectivity in Wireless Sensor
an evolutionary approach to improve the life time of the wireless
AFX PA News Release - The Official Home Page of the US Air Force
Actions and timetable Deliverables Timetable Actors Code
Acronyms used in: Data mining MARC to find: FRBR?
Aalborg Universitet Framework for Optimizing Cluster Selection using Geo-assisted Movement Prediction
Cisco Connected Transportation for Education At-a
Chenyou Fan - Indiana University Bloomington
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Pavlov Internet User Guide
Pandemic Planning for Long Term Care and other Special
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)