The Export of Machinery and Electronic Products and Economic
The Expected Value Premium - Weatherhead School of Management
The Event Study Method - Revista Panorama Socioeconómico / U
The EU market for tilapia Trends, issues and outlook
The Equilibrium Term Structure of Equity and Interest Rates
The Equilibrium Dynamics for an Endogeneous Bid
The Equation of Real Option Value under Trinomial Tree Model
The End of Heap Leach Solution Loss
The Empirical Measurement of Interest Rate Risk of
The Elephant in the Ground
The Effects of Uncertainty Shocks on the Labor Market: A Search
the effects of penetration pricing strategies on performance of firms
the effects of penetration pricing strategies on performance of firms
The effect of short interest on the subsequent stock
The Effect of Initial Public Offers on Long run Stock Performance
The Distribution of Stock Returns
The Distribution of Information, the Market for Financial News, and
the discovery of resource rent
The Current Account and the International Distribution of Wealth Under Uncertainty
The convergence of binomial and trinomial option pricing models