- Munich Personal RePEc Archive
* Director del equipo de Planeación y Evaluación de la Rectoría
2016 Stress Tests of the Bulgarian Insurance Sectorpdf / 1.02 MB
2013-2 ESMA Report - Review of practices related to
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 - the School of Economics and Finance
Chapter 1
China`s “new normal”: structural change, better growth, and
Chapter 9 - McGraw Hill Higher Education
Chapter 6
Chapter 5 – Socio-economic Profiling at the Local Level
Chapter 5
building the new regulatory framework: challenges ahead
Benchmarking and Comparing Entrepreneurs with Incomplete
Basel II and Implications for Capital Requirements in
Backtesting Value-at-Risk based on Tail Losses Woon K. Wong
AUDIT TEMPLATE for AMC Compliance with Appraiser
assessing a business
An Austrian Perspective on the American Great Depression
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