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Fall, 2013
Lesson 1
The Países Andinos are: Perú, Bolivia, and Ecuador
Review the vocabulary section for History pages 58-59
Ecuador and Perú have three distinct geographical zones
West (Oeste)—la costa or el litoral in Perú
Central -- La sierra or la cordillera (mountainous)
East (Este) – selva or amazónica (jungle)
The selva is the largest territory, but least populated due to: el calor, la vegetación
densa, and la inaccesibilidad.
More than 50 % of the population live in the “sierra”.
Although near the equator, la clima is not excessively hot due to the Humboldt Current
which lowers the temperature and lessens precipitation.
Bolivia has no coast (lost in a war with Chile in 1884). The Andes divide into two chains
(cordilleras), el occidental (west) and el oriente (east). These are separated by high
plains with strong winds and scare vegetation.
Época precolombina—Over several centuries the Incas subjugated different tribes until
they formed an extensive empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile. Their king was called
el Inca or El Hijo del Sol. Their creator god was Varicocha. They believed in a heaven
(cielo)and hell (infierno) and eternal destiny was determined by your acts in life and
social position. The family was the base of society and a group of families (el allyu) was
the basic unit.
The Incans spoke quechua (still spoken today). They had no writing system, but
developed an ingenious counting system utilizing the quipus, cords with knots. They
were excellent architects and built temples, fortresses, and extensive highways throught
the Andes. Most famous archeological site is Machu Picchu.
Their society was based on agriculture, specifically the potato. The chuño was a
dehydrated potato, light and easily preserved for travel. Llamas and alpacas were the
primary domesticated animals.
La conquista
El Inca Huayna Capac died in 1525 and the empire was divided between his two sons,
Huácan (legitimate heir—south) and Altahualpa (illegitimate—north). Altahualpa led a
rebellion and took over the empire. Francisco Pizzaro and 250 soldiers arrived at this
time, and, due to the internal conflict occurring, easily conquered the vast empire.
Pizarrro took Altahualpa prisoner and later executed him. Pizarro later founded the city
of Lima, Perú.
The conquistadores wanted to be known for heroic acts, glorious conquests, and great
accomplishments for the Crown of Spain, as well as a desire to “convert” the Indians.
The colonists adopted the feudal systems practiced in Europe during the Middle Ages.
They wanted to recognized as lords which they were through the “encomienda” in which
a Spaniard was given land and a group of Indian laborers to use as he pleased.
This system quickly decimated the Indian population due to gross mistreatment, the
spread of European diseases, and the collapse of their way of life. As they disappeared
African slave trade began.
The classes of society were: españoles (born in Spain), criollos (Spanish descendents in
New World), mestizos (Spansish and Indian mix), and indigenas, esclavos de África.
La independencia
Simón Bolivar led in wars to free Venezuela and Colombia, while José de San Martín
fought to free Chile, Argentina, and South Perú. Bolivar had a dream to create the United
States of South America, but this was never realized.
Imperfect Tense (habitual and/or repeated action in the past)
See pages 71-72 for verb formations and the different ways the Imperfect is used.
Review Accessment pages 76-77
Lesson 2
Review vocabulary about pickpockets (las carteristas) on page 78 and the conversation
between Elena and José.
Use of Preterite and Imperfect
Key clue words:
A veces
De vez en cuando
una vez
_______ pasado
Review your list on the worksheet given.
Mientras normally uses two verbs in the imperfect, while cuando uses one in the
imperfect and the other in the preterite.
Yo estudiaba mientras mi amigo hablaba por teléfono.
(I was studying while my friend was talking on the telephone.)
Yo estudiaba cuando mi amigo entró en mi dormitorio
(I was studying when my friend entered my bedroom.)
The first verb tells what was happening, when something happened to interrupt this.
Carefully review page 82 which explains this.
Review the Accessment pages-86-87
Lesson 3
Subjuntive Tense
Review pages 94-95 for formation of verbs and the general use of the Subjuntive.
Specifically, in this lesson you are taught to use the Subjuntive when someone’s desires
or wants affect someone else (they might or might not do this), and use with impersonal
Review the Accessment page-105
There is a vocabulary summary page for Lessons 1 & 2 on page 108
Don’t forget to study the Modísmos #’s 17-30