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Cardiovascular WebQuest
Use the following websites to find answers for the following questions:
1. What percentage of blood is solid? What percentage is liquid? What is plasma mainly composed
2. What are the seven functions of blood and the circulatory system?
3. What are erythrocytes and where are they formed?
4. What happens to the thrombocytes when the body is injured? What does the fibrin do?
5. What are arteries? What are arterioles?
6. What is the role of capillaries in the body?
7. Why do you think that veins are thinner and less elastic than arteries?
8. How many times a day does the heart beat on average?
9. How many miles of blood vessels are there in the body?
10. Why is it dangerous to have a hole in the ventricular septum?
11. Why are the walls of the left ventricle thicker than the right ventricle?
12. What is the main function of the spleen in relation to blood?
13. Give a brief description of each of the following:
Pernicious anemia:
Aplastic anemia:
14. Which side of the heart is the “lower” pressure side? Why is this? Which side of the heart is the
“higher” pressure side? Why?
15. Where did the name ‘atrium’ come from? Why is this an appropriate name based on function?
16. What is the purpose and necessity of having valves between the atrium and ventricles?
17. How do Red blood cells become oxygenated in the lungs?
18. Watch the blood as it goes through the heart, then describe below being as precise as possible