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Language Arts-Mrs. Stroup
#1 Mythology Assignment
Greek Mythology: An Overview
Identify the following terms from the power point presentation of Greek Mythology (20 points)
1. Mythology2. 3 categories of Greek gods3. myth4. gods/goddesses5. Chaos6. Titans7. Olympians8. Mt. Olympus9. Cronus10. Hera11. Zeus12. Two other gods and their purposes13. Why read Greek myths? ______________________________________________
14. How were myths passed on to the next generation of Greeks? _________________
15. What is Demeter’s power? _________________________________________
16. Who is messenger of the gods? _________________________
17. Who is the queen of Hades/goddess of spring? ____________________________
18. Why are there Greek and Roman names for the gods?________________________
19. What symbols are used today from the myths? _____________________________