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Match 2 Round 1 – Arithmetic: Factors & Multiples
1.) The numbers 8 and 21 are relatively prime since their only common factor is 1. What is the least
whole number which must be added to both of the original numbers so that the new pair is no longer
relatively prime?
2.) Digit d appears twice in the number 6d35d . Find all values of d so that the number represented is
divisible by 12.
3.) The GCF of 144 and a number P is 48. The GCF of 420 and P is 84. Find the smallest possible
value of P.
Match 2 Round 2 –Algebra 1: Polynomials and Factoring
1.) Factor completely:
104a 4b3c 7  91a 2bc5  65a 3b 7 c 4
2.) What is the sum of the coefficients of the terms of the expansion of (2 x  y)3 ?
3.) Factor completely:
(2 x  3 y )(2 x  3 y )  4(1  3 y )
Match 2 Round 3 – Geometry: Area, Perimeter, and Pythagorean Theorem
1.) Find the shaded area formed by the two intersecting rectangles in the figure.
2.) Find the perimeter of this figure in simplest radical form.
3.) A square and an equilateral triangle have equal perimeters. The area of the triangle is 9 3 in 2 .
What is the length in inches of the diagonal of the square?
Match 2 Round 4 – Algebra 2: Inequalities & Absolute Value
1.) Solve for all real values of x :
13 | 2 x  1| 78
2.) Solve for all real values of y :
 1
3.) Solve for all real values of w :
2 w2  w  6
Match 2 Round 5 – Trig and Advanced Topics: Laws of Sines & Cosines
1.) Use the table to find x to the nearest whole number.
sin 
2.) If tan B 
, find the length of AC .
3.) Find the value of m if cos A 
and cos D   .
Match 2 Round 6 – Writing Equations of Lines
1.) Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of a line that is parallel to 2 x  3 y  6 and has xintercept -4 .
2.) Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the altitude to side BC of
B  (1,1) and C  (7, 2) .
ABC if A  (1, 4) ,
3.) Three vertices of a rhombus are (2, 1) , (3, 1) , and (6,3) . Write the slope-intercept form of the
equation of the line that contains the shorter diagonal of the rhombus.
Match 2 Team Round
1.) Find the prime factorization of the LCM of 13426, 13818, and 14504 .
2.) Three rectangles are lined up horizontally as shown. The first rectangle has width = 1 and length = 2.
The second has width = 2 and length = 4. The third has width = 4 and length = 8. Find the area of the
shaded region.
3.) Factor completely:
6mp(2m  5 p)  (2m  5 p)2  3 p(2  p)(5 p  2m)
4.) Solve for all real values of x :
5  2 | 3 x  1| 4 and 6x 1  1  2x
5.) A line through the point (  a, 0) forms a triangular region in the second quadrant with area = T
units2. What is the slope-intercept equation of the line in terms of and T ?
6.) In the diagram, ABC is a 30  60  90 triangle with right angle C and ABC  30 . Squares
are constructed on each leg and on the hypotenuse of ABC . If the length of AC is 4 units, find the
perimeter of polygon DEFGHI in simplest radical form.