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Name _______________________________ Date ______________________ Hour ____
Inside the Cell City
BACKGROUND: Floating around in the cytoplasm are small structures called
organelles. Like the organs in your own body, each one carries out a specific function
necessary for the cell to survive. Imagine the cell as a miniature city. The organelles
might represent companies, places, or parts of the city because they each have similar
DIRECTIONS: In #1-14, complete each description below with the correct organelle
1. The _______________is a large, round/oval structure usually located near the center of the
cell. It is the control center for all the activities of the cell.
2. The _________________ is a thin, flexible envelope that surrounds the cell. It allows the
cell to change shape and controls what goes into and out of the cell.
3. The ___________________________ consists of a network of tube-like passageways that
proteins from the ribosomes are transported through. Ribosomes are embedded in it.
4. The ________________are small grain-like bodies made mostly of RNA and produced in the
nucleolus. Proteins are constructed here.
5. The ________________is a small, dense object fond in the middle of the nucleus. It makes
the ribosomes for the cell.
6. The area between the nucleus and the cell membrane is called the ___________________.
It contains many organelles and a jelly-like substance called cytosol.
7. The ___________________are tiny bean-shaped structures in the cytoplasm with a smooth
outer membrane, and a greatly folded inner membrane. They are the powerhouse of the cell
because they supply the energy by transforming sugars into useable ATP energy.
8. The ________________ are oval, green structures found in the cytoplasm of plant cells.
They contain chlorophyll which captures the sun’s energy and uses it to produce sugars in a
process called photosynthesis.
9. The _________________are small round structures found in the cytoplasm of animal cells.
They contain digestive enzymes that break down large food particles into sugars and other
simple substances.
10. The ________________ is a large, round sac found in the cytoplasm of plant cells. It
stores water, food, wastes, or other materials needed by the cell.
11. The _________________ consists of a network of tube-like passageways that make lipids
and transport proteins. This does not have ribosomes embedded in it.
12. The _________________ is a membranous organelle that sorts, packages, and ships cell
products around and out of the cell.
13. The _________________________ is the internal support structure for the cell.
14. The ___________________ is only found in plant cells and is located surrounding the cell
membrane. This gives plant cells support and allows them to be rigid.
DIRECTIONS: Read the following city job list.
A. City Hall - Controls all the activities of the city.
B. City Limits - Controls what goes in and what goes out of the city
C. Road System - Exists in all places between the city limits and city hall and allows for
movement throughout the city.
D. City Planning Office - A place in the city hall where plans are made for the construction of
the city.
E. Construction Company workers- Build structures for the city.
F. Garbage truck with worker inside – workers jump out of the truck and dissolve any garbage
or foreign substance in the city.
G. Warehouse - Stores materials needed by the city.
H. Power Company - Produces energy for the city to function.
I. Solar Power Plant – Uses the sun’s energy to produce power for the city.
J. UPS- In charge of sorting and shipping products made in the city.
K. Support structures- Any structure that makes up the buildings (cement, steel, etc) or holds
up parts of the city (pillars, bridges, steel support beams)
L. Fortress wall- some cities have a very strong wall surrounding the city limits.
M. Construction plant with construction company workers inside- workers are making
structures for the city inside the building.
N. Criso and butter producing plant without construction company workers inside- machines,
not workers make Crisco and butter for the city
PART C - DIRECTIONS: Below is a description of cell organelles. Put the name of the organelle in the first column. In
the second column, put the name of the city job which correlates to it. Then check whether these organelles are in a plant
or animal cell.
Control center of the cell; Contains the cell’s DNA
Makes ribosomes
Lets things in and out of cell
Area between nucleus and cell membrane
Produces energy
Makes proteins
Internal support
Passageway for proteins; Contains ribosomes
Passageway for proteins; Makes lipids
Sorts, packages, and ships cell products
Gives support to cell outside the cell membrane
Has chlorophyll; Makes sugar from sun energy
Stores water, nutrients and other things
Sack of digestive enzymes