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7th Grade Algebra Common Assessment 5 – 8
1. Graph the following ordered pairs: A (-3, 10) B (0, -1). Write the equation of the line
through A and B.
2. The cost for a school field trip to Great America is $125.00 plus $20 for each person
a. Write an equation that gives the total cost as a function of the number of people attending.
b. What will the school have to pay if 200 people go on this field trip?
3. Write the equation of the line through (4,6) and (8, 10) in standard form.
4. If the following ordered pairs form a linear relationship, find the value of y. Round to the
nearest whole number.
(4, 1000) (7, 850)
(9, y)
5. If you graph the following information on a coordinate graph, which number represents
the slope? Which number represents the y-intercept?
A limousine company charges a flat fee of $50 plus $10 per hour.
Slope ___________
y-intercept _____________
6. Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (-1,5) and (-8, 3) in point
slope form.
7. Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (-2, 5) and (6, -3) in slope
intercept form.
8. Write the equation of a line (slope-intercept form) that passes through (-1, 5) and is
parallel to the line y = x – 8.
9. Write the equation of a line (slope-intercept form) that is perpendicular to the
line y =  x + 6 with a y-intercept of –2.
10. Write the equation of a line (slope-intercept form) that passes through (-8,2) and
has a slope of  .
11. Find the x-intercept of : 2x – 7y = 14
12. Solve.
3x  2  7
x  2 1
13. Solve and graph.
14. Solve and graph.
15. Solve.
x3  2
x 
16. Solve.
–3x + 6 > -2x – 8
17. Solve.
-12 < 2x – 1  9
18. Show the graph that represents the following compound inequality.
4x – 6  10 or 3x + 1 < -8
19. Graph the inequality: 3x – 2y  -12
20. Graph the system of linear inequalities.
2x + 3y  -6
21. Solve the following system of equations.
a. y = x + 1
y = 2x – 1
b. y = 2x
6x – y = 8
c. 4x + y = -2
-2x – 3y = 1
d. 3x + 6y = 12
x + 2y = 4
22. One of the systems in problem #21 above has no solution. How could you tell from just
looking at the original equations?
23. If a system of equations has one solution, that solution is
a. an ordered pair
a rational number
c. zero
d. all of the above
24. A 50 question test is worth 140 points. There are two- point questions and three-point
questions on this same test. How many of the questions are three-point questions.
25. Simplify
 x4
 7
26. Simplify the following:
a. 3 2
27. Simplify
b. -3 2
c. (-3) 2
7 3
d. –(3 2 )
e. -3 2
4 x ² y 10 x 2 y 7
5 x ³ y 4 x 3 y
 5  x 
28. Evaluate when x = 3
29. Make a table of values where the domain is: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 for the following equation:
y=  
30. Write the following in scientific notation.
a. 2,304,000,000,000
b. .000000097
31. Write the following in standard form.
a. 3.4  10 8
5.6  10 4