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Name _________________________________________ Date _________________________ 6 - ___
Social Studies Study Guide
Ancient Rome
Test on ____________________________
Study these facts, definitions and people!
o Republic – a country where citizens elect their government officials.
o Empire – areas that are ruled by one country.
o Dictator – during the Roman Republic, dictators were appointed in times of crisis
to serve for 6 months.
o Twelve Tables – written laws that were engraved in stone and placed in the
forum for all to read.
o Julius Caesar – Military leader who was part of the first triumvirate. He later
named himself dictator for life. He was loved by the Roman people, but
assassinated by members of the senate who thought he wanted to become king.
o Octavian/Augustus - The first emporer of Rome. Augustus (“highly respected”)
made reforms to Rome that brought peace to the Roman people.
o Patrician – the upper class in the Roman Republic. Patricians could serve in
government. They voted for senators who supported the rights of Patricians.
o Plebeian - merchants, farmers and artisans of Rome. Plebeians were citizens
who could vote, but they could not serve in government in the Republic.
o Triumvirate – leadership shared by 3 people.
o Veto – to say “no”
o gladiator – often slaves who fought in the colosseum for entertainment.
o colosseum – a large arena in the center of Rome, where slaves fought each other
to entertain the people
o aqueduct – a system of pipes and arches that transported water to Rome.
o tribunes, magistrates and senate – patricians who served as government
o tribunes: protected the rights of plebeians.
o magistrates: judges
o senate: elected officials who made laws
o pax romana – 200 years of peace in the Roman Empire, brought on by reforms
made by Augustus.
**** How did the Greeks influence the Romans?
**** What reforms were made by Augustus that resulted in the Pax Romana?
**** Why did the Roman Republic eventually become an empire? What were the
causes for the failure of the Republic?
**** What elements of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire are still evident in
our lives today?