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Chapter Summary
Chapter 3/ Lesson 2
Use textbook p. 88-95 for help.
Name ______________________________
Date _____________________Pd. ______
The Kingdoms of Egypt
Although communities along the Nile had learned to cooperate, wars
between the villages were frequent. ___________________, King of
Upper Egypt, overthrew the king of ___________________ Egypt and had
a new crown made that stood for the ___________________ of Egypt.
Menes became the first pharaoh of Egypt. The word
___________________ refers to the “great palace” in which the rulers of
Egypt lived. Egypt became the largest empire of its time.
Menes made ___________________ his capital. Local leaders
performed their regular duties such as collecting ___________________
and serving as judges, but they also had to report to the new government.
Egypt’s pharaoh’s had religious duties, as well as political power. The most
important Egyptian god was ___________________, the sun god. The
Egyptians believed that Ra gave life to earth. Ancient Egyptians believed
they would need their bodies in the ___________________. They
preserved the dead with ___________________. Huge stone structures
called ___________________ were built as tombs, or burial places, for
the pharaohs.
They pyramids are important sources of information about ancient
Egypt. The largest pyramid was the ___________________ of Pharaoh
___________________. The pyramids used large amounts of Egypt’s
___________________. Egyptians developed a system of writing called
___________________. Only boys could become
___________________. They wrote on ___________________, a reed
plant. The reeds were pressed together to form a kind of paper. Scribes
kept accurate records of taxes and of the pharaoh’s goods. Scribes also
performed other writing duties.
Egypt was conquered by the ___________________ around 300 B.C.
Gradually, the meaning of hieroglyphics was lost. In 1822, a French scholar
named ___________________ figured out how to read hieroglyphics using
the ___________________. The ancient Egyptians did not use
___________________. Instead, the pharaoh took a part of everything
made in Egypt. The pharaoh’s taxes also included days of work.
Great Pyramid
Rosetta Stone
Unification Pharaoh
Jean Champollion