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Figurative Language – Definitions
Imagery - Any word or group of words that create a picture
Simile - A figure of speech that compares two things, and is usually introduced by the words like
or as.
Repetition - When a word or phrase repeats itself in a piece of literature
Metaphor - A comparison of two things without using like or as
Alliteration - The repeating of the same sound at the beginning of two or more words that are
next to or near each other.
Symbolism - The creative use of symbols as representations of objects or concepts in a story
Personification - Giving non-human things human characteristics
Extended Metaphor - A detailed and complex metaphor that extends over a long section of
Figurative Language – Definitions
Imagery - Any word or group of words that create a picture
Simile - A figure of speech that compares two things, and is usually introduced by the words like
or as.
Repetition - When a word or phrase repeats itself in a piece of literature
Metaphor - A comparison of two things without using like or as
Alliteration - The repeating of the same sound at the beginning of two or more words that are
next to or near each other.
Symbolism - The creative use of symbols as representations of objects or concepts in a story
Personification - Giving non-human things human characteristics
Extended Metaphor - A detailed and complex metaphor that extends over a long section of
Figurative Language – Definitions
Imagery - Any word or group of words that create a picture
Simile - A figure of speech that compares two things, and is usually introduced by the words like
or as.
Repetition - When a word or phrase repeats itself in a piece of literature
Metaphor - A comparison of two things without using like or as
Alliteration - The repeating of the same sound at the beginning of two or more words that are
next to or near each other.
Symbolism - The creative use of symbols as representations of objects or concepts in a story
Personification - Giving non-human things human characteristics
Extended Metaphor - A detailed and complex metaphor that extends over a long section of