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World History Final Review Guide
a. Martin Luther
b. Simon Bolivar
c. Louis XIV
d. Hernando Cortez
e. Alexander the Great
a. Karl Marx
b. Mathew Perry
c. Toussaint L’Ouverture
d. John Locke
social hierarchy
16. One reason early civilizations developed in some areas like the Middle East and not others is
17. Which civilization developed between two rivers?
18. What modern country was home of the Yellow River Valley Civilization
19. Which of the following civilizations’ writing system has been yet to be deciphered
20. Define the ‘Mandate of Heaven
21. The combination of religious and political authority in Ancient Egypt my be described as
22. Correctly identify the writing system with the civilization who developed it?
, hieroglyphs
23. Confucius believed that social order, harmony, and good government could be achieved if
society was organized around five basic
24. The Qu’ran, jihad, and the hegira are most closely associated with the practice of the ______
25. The most practiced religion in India is
26. This philosopher taught by persistent questioning. He was eventually put to death for
questioning the government. Who is it?
27. Which political system had its foundations in Athens?
28. Hellenistic culture represented a blending of Greek culture with which cultures:
29. The Pax Romana is best described as:
30. In what way was the Roman political system different from the Greek political system in
World History Final Review Guide
31. Spartan society was famous for
32. The Senators justified the killing of Caesar because
33. What did Russia adopt from the Byzantines?
34. One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both
35. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. _____________________________________
A. Development of medical encyclopedias
B. Development of algebra and astronomical tables
C. Production of woolen carpets
D. Production of literature, calligraphy, and geometric art
36. The growth of Feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages was primarily caused by the
37. What was the Manor System?
38. In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the
39. In Europe, a long term effect of the Crusades was
40. A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades was to
41. In early African societies, people incorporated elements of a religion in which spirits play an
important role in regulating daily life into their spirituality. The religion is called
42. Bantu is a language native to
43. List the 5 pillars of Islam
44. Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo were similar in that both
45. Which was a result of the Commercial Revolution?
46. Which system developed as a result of the Commercial Revolution
47. European society during the Renaissance differed from European society during the Middle
Ages in that during the Renaissance
48. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were
49. List the effects of the Protestant Reformation in Europe
50. One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires
rapidly is that
World History Final Review Guide
51. In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers
of native people led to
52. According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be
53. The global transfer of foods, plants, animals, and diseases during the colonization of
America’s is known as the
54. During the Age of Absolutism (1600’s and 1700’s) European monarchs tried to
55. Westernization in Russia came about largely through
Base your answer to question 66 on the statements below and your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: “The state of monarchy is supreme on earth: for kings are not only God’s lieutenants
upon earth and sit upon God’s throne, but even by God himself they are called gods.”
Speaker B: “If government fails to fulfill the end for which it is established-the preservation of the
individuals right to life, liberty, and the property-the people have a right to dissolve the
Speaker C: “But what if the compact between the ruler and ruled is violated by the ruler? He thus
becomes a tyrant, a criminal who forfeits his rights to the obedience of his subjects, who may now
exercise their right to rebel and form a new compact.”
Speaker D: “ The ruling authority in the state, the sovereign, must have supreme power, or
society will collapse and the anarchy of the state of nature will return.”
56. Which two speakers would support absolutism?
57. What best describes the effects of the works of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac
58. During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many
scientists and philosophers was that they
59. Speaker A: Good government stresses the importance of the nation and accepts the rights of
the individual only if the interests of the individual are the same as those of the nation.
Speaker B: The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is to attack religion
itself. The respect given to a king is religious in nature.
Speaker C: All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the
duty of government to protect these natural rights of its citizens.
Speaker D: Our goal will not be achieved by democracy or liberal reforms, but by blood and
iron. Only then will we be successful. No nation achieves greatness or unity without the
traumatic experiences of war.
World History Final Review Guide
Which speaker’s statement best reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment?
60. During the early 1800’s, which was a major influence on the struggle for political
independence in Latin America?
61. Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has
62. What conditions is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a society?
63. Before a nation can begin to industrialize, that nation must first develop
64. A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the
65. Adam Smith’s economic theory of laissez-faire capitalism proposes that
66. A key principle of the economic theory of communism is
67. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were
68. Explain the expression “white man’s burden”.
69. One result of the Opium War was that China
70. In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and
controlled their economies.
Which term refers to the situation described in this statement?
Base your answers to 86 and 87 on the following passage and on your knowledge of social studies.
…”From the beginning” said Marques Ito, “we realized fully how necessary it was that
the Japanese people should not only adopt Western methods, but should also speedily
become competent to do without the aid of foreign instruction and supervision. In the
early days we brought many foreigners to Japan to help to introduce modern methods,
but we always did it in such a way as to enable the Japanese students to take their
rightful place in the nation after they had been educated.”…
-Alfred Stead, Great Japan: A Study of National Efficiency, John Lane Co., 1906
71. Which occurrence in Japanese history is described in the passage?
72. The author of the passage suggests that Japan
73. Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order?
Louis XVI, Napoleon, Robespierre
74. During World War I, which group of people were victims of genocide?
World History Final Review Guide
75. Which statement best describes the relationship between World War I and the Russian
76. What were the four MAIN causes of WWI?
77. Which new types of warfare were introduced in World War I?
78. The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic instability in Germany after World War I
79. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain
was largely the result of
80. Fascism in Europe during the 1920’s and 1930’s is best described as a
81. Which European leaders were fascist?
82. Under Josef Stalin, peasants in the Soviet Union were forced to
83. One reason that Britain and France agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich Conference was
84. During World War II, what event occurred last?
85. At the end of the war, what was the court meeting between the allies that would put the
Nazi’s on trial for war-crimes?
86. What does Churchill mean when he says “Iron Curtain"?
87. The Warsaw Pact was
88. What was the goal of the Marshall plan?
89. In June of 1945, the US and the Soviet Union temporarily set aside their differences when