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Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
•We will examine the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide between living
things and the environment.
• Definition- the process
by which a cell
captures energy in
sunlight to make food
for the cell
• ChloroplastOrganelles found only
in plant cells that carry
out photosynthesis.
2 Stages of Photosynthesis
• Stage 1: Capturing the Sun’s Energy
• This process occurs mostly in the leaves.
• Chloroplasts are the green organelle inside plant
cells. They’re green because green light
wavelengths are reflected not absorbed but other
colors are absorbed.
• The main photosynthetic pigment in chloroplasts is
• Stage 2: Using Energy to Make Food
• Next, the cell uses the captured energy to
produce sugars - the cell needs two raw
materials for this stage – Water (H2O) &
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
• The root absorbs water from the soil
• Then the water moves up through the
plant’s stem to the leaves
• Carbon Dioxide enters the plant through
the small openings on the underside of the
leaves called the stoma
• Once in the leaves, the water and carbon
dioxide move into the chloroplasts
Photosynthesis Equation
Reactants  Product
R.A.P. (reactants, arrow, product)
Cellular Respiration
•Definition- when the
chemical bonds of glucose
(from photosynthesis) are
broken down in the
presence of oxygen to produce energy
•Mitochondria- Organelles found in plant and
animal cells that carry out cellular respiration.
Respiration Equation
Photosynthesis and respiration are related.