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Does Access To condoms Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
By: Kristin Boyd
It’s a late Saturday afternoon. After finishing a successful date with your
significant other, you’re feeling a bit more frisky than usual. You’re interested, but
knowing you want the full package, that package must be wrapped. You travel to the
nearest convenience store, your local gas station. You acknowledge that this is where you
receive the wrapping paper for your rather pleasant surprise. Step by step, you make your
way into the store. Obviously embarrassed, your face begins to blush and your eyes
widen. Your mouth stiffens and you begin to second-guess your purchase. Your heart
throbs every moment you step closer to the counter. After moments of discouraging
yourself to by the “wrapping paper”, you leave, without a second thought. Although you
left the shiny rubber wrapping, your date still remains present. You begin to forget as if
all previous events had happened, losing yourself. After getting caught up in the moment,
you receive your present, but have failed to wrap it. I myself being an adolescent teen, I
am aware of such situations. Why get a gift if it’s not wrapped? After successfully
opening your prize, 9 months later, you suffer the most excruciating consequences.
Teenage pregnancy is not only that easy to happen, but easy to prevent as well.
Many people of all ages feel that condoms are a very successful way to prevent
pregnancy. I on the other hand, feel that condoms are vastly overrated for their protection
and prevention. Several mishaps can occur during the acts of intercourse, causing a
condoms protection to fail. There are multiple positive attributes that condoms bring to
the sexually active, but the negative override the positive completely. Condoms can
brake, teens of a young age are embarrassed to buy them, even with the easy access to
condoms, we are fully unaware that teens will use them, and technology today has
destroyed several or all thought of proper sexual behavior.
Although condoms give safe opportunities to sex, precaution is still authorized if
one wants to fully prevent pregnancy. Due to the naive attitudes and selfish behavior of
teens today, many young adults feel that precaution for sex is not necessary. With no
precaution, this gives them an easy opportunity to put the bun in the oven. In my honest
opinion, I disagree completely that condoms prevent teen pregnancy. Condoms give a
misleading appeal that they will fully provide protection. It is clear that condoms are easy
to access, but how can one be sure that teens will use condom access to their advantage.
Though there are multiple contraception methods, condoms being the easier to access,
teens may get the impression that only a condom is needed. Due to multiple explanations,
I feel that condoms do not prevent teen pregnancy, and may even increase yearly birth
Condoms give a misleading appeal that they will fully provide protection.
Condoms do provide a great amount of protection from pregnancy, and sexually
transmitted diseases, but you can never be sure of the prevention. One must always
recognize the risk of having sex. Condoms can easily break, with or without knowledge.
During intercourse, if your only means of protection breaks, there is a further increase in
unwanted pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is neither avoided or decreased.
Though the convenience of condoms is given, there is no guarantee that teenagers
will take the easy "safe" access that is given. Teens get embarrassed when involved in the
discussion of sex, making them embarrassed to purchase condoms as well. Teens
recognize that they are able to purchase forms of contraception, but they can't bare the
humiliation, and fear of buying the necessary prevention. Embarrassment is a leading
cause as to why many teens refuse to buy accessible contraception. We are unaware that
regardless of the convenience to buy condoms, whether or not teens will take advantage
of them. Giving another issue of regardless if teens have them, are they to use them.
Unfortunately, many teens of the male gender take it among themselves to have sex
without a condom do to the differences of pleasure. Selfish enough, some woman think
this way as well. Not only does pleasure play a key ingredient as to why some teens
choose not to use condoms, the inconvenience of putting them on and off is also a
contributing factor.
Though there are multiple contraception methods, teens may get the impression
that only a condom is needed. I feel that teens get the wrong idea that if they have a
condom, they don't need any other precautionary contraceptive. Condoms are not the
only accessible contraceptive offered.
To fully and completely prevent pregnancy, abstinence is crucial. Obviously, slim to
none of our generation think this way, making it extremely difficult to keep teen
pregnancy to a low percentage.
Without knowledge of any kind, the world today is aware that teens have access
to condoms. I feel that providing condoms to young adults gives them the wrong idea
about sex. Condoms do not ensure the safety of sexually active teens, nor does it prevent
the end to sexual activity within young adolescents. I feel that providing condoms only
makes teenagers feel that having sex is acceptable. Allowing teenagers to think that
sexual activity is acceptable, not only allows them to continue doing wrong by having
sex, but also gives them further knowledge to things they may think are acceptable.
Giving access to condoms creates the image that sex is acceptable; also creating the idea
that unprotected sex is acceptable, and so on. In conclusion, I feel that access to condoms
does not prevent teen pregnancy. It increases sexually activity within teens, provided no
acceptable behavior within teen, allows them to have no further knowledge of proper
behavior, and in all sense, allows the morals of our generation to decrease tremendously
within size.