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1450-1550 Quiz
1. In his book "Praise of Folly," Erasmus
A. used satire to attack the church
B. related a series of short stories
C. urged people to accept things as they were
D. advised princes on how to rule
E. suggested strategies for successful seige warfare
2. Which was NOT a characteristic of the Renaissance?
A. emphasis on individuality
B. confidence in human rationality
C. the emergence of merchant oligarchies
D. the increased emphasis on education of women
E. discovery of classical manuscripts
3. For ordinary women, the Renaissance
A. had very little impact
B. greatly improved the material conditions of their lives
C. worsened their social status
D. allowed them access to education for the first time
E. opened up new employment opportunities
4. Which of the following did Martin Luther reject?
A. the priesthood of all believers
B. justification through faith alone
C. the Bible as the final authority of God's word
D. the virgin birth of Christ
E. purgatory as a place to expiate one’s sins
5. Which of the following is not considered a cause of the Protestant Reformation?
A. increased lay interest in purifying church practices
B. northern Renaissance scholars' interest in early biblical texts
C. the reform decrees of the Council of Trent
D. nationalist movements in the German states of the Holy Roman Empire
E. the taxing policies of the Roman Catholic Church
6. The Brethren of Common Life represent
A. the extent of Protestant conversions in Italy
B. the intense religious scholarship in Swiss monasteries
C. the power and appeal of John Calvin's message
D. an example of pre-Reformation popular piety
E. a typical response of the papacy to the Reformation
7. Martin Luther believed that women should
A. manage the household economy
B. be allowed to enter the priesthood
C. be equal in all things
D. rule the household
E. pursue careers outside the home
8. John Knox was influential in the Reformation in
A. Ireland
D. Sweden
B. Scotland
E. Switzerland
C. Germany
9. Central to John Calvin's beliefs is the principle of
A. free will
B. predestination
C. Christian liberty
D. justification by faith and good works
E. communion
10. The dissolution of the English monasteries
A. resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth
B. resulted in a more equitable distribution of land
C. deeply disturbed the English upper class
D. was the result of rebellious activities by the monks
E. resulted in Henry's excommunication by the Anglican Church
11. As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the German people
A. remained Catholics
B. became Lutherans
C. were able to practice the religion of their choice
D. became Calvinists
E. became either Lutheran or Calvinist depending upon the choice of their
12. The country that prevented the spread of Protestantism within its borders and
remained the supreme defender of Catholicism is
A. Sweden
B. France
C. Poland
D. Spain
E. Ireland
13. The Reformation in Germany resulted in
A. a unified German state
B. political fragmentation
C. Italian control of Austria
D. the abolition of Catholicism
E. secular freedom for the peasantry
14. The holding of several benefices, or church offices was known as
A. simony
B. indulgence
C. nepotism
D. usury
E. pluralism
15. By the 16th century the center of commercial activity had shifted from the
Mediterranean to the
A. Black Sea
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Red Sea
D. Indian Ocean
E. North Sea
16. During the 16th century the main reason for the increase in power of the English
monarch was the
A. Glorious Revolution
B. ability of the Tudor monarchs
C. ability of the Stuart rulers
D. increased position of the nobility
E. marriage of Queen Mary to Philip Ii of Spain
17. In 15th century Europe, Muslim culture exerted the greatest influence on which of
the following societies?
A. English
B. French
C. German
D. Italian
E. Spanish
18. Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of
15th century Italy?
A. A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility
B. A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts
C. Many independent states with prosperous merchant oligarchies
D. Control of most of Italy by the Pope who encouraged humanist learning
E. Support of the arts by the kings of France and the Holy Roman Emperors
who were competing for influence
19. Of the following, which setting provided unmarried women in preindustrial Europe
with the greatest opportunity to exercise their literary, artistic, and administrative
A. Government councils
B. Convents
C. Guilds
D. Banking houses
E. Universities
20. All of the following were factors in the spread of literacy in the 15th and 16th
centuries EXCEPT
A. the invention of printing
B. the Protestant Reformation
C. the rise of state bureaucracies
D. an increase in compulsory state education
E. a decline in the use of Latin
21. Ferdinand & Isabella centralized the Spanish monarchy by all the following except:
A. uniting Castile and Aragon
B. expelling the Jews
C. encouraging the growth of towns & the middle class
D. driving the last Moors (Moslems) from Spain
22. Choose the answer which gives the correct chronology for the following events in
English history: 1) Tudor dynasty begins 2) War of the Roses 3) 100 Years War 4)
Henry VIII reigns
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 3, 2, 4, 1
B. 3, 2, 1, 4
D. 4, 3, 1, 2
23. The first of Europe's commercial-colonial empires was created by:
A. Spain
C. England
B. Portugal
D. the Netherlands
24. Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe
A. gave Europeans a good idea of the earth's size and the connections of its
B. had little significance as Magellan didn't return to Europe
C. impelled the English to enter the quest for empire
D. was a great boost to Portugal in its empire-building
25. Humanism involved all the following except:
A. the beginning of literature in its modern sense
B. a pronounced emphasis on Greek and Roman themes
C. an interest political and civic themes
D. the rejection of Christianity
26. One reason the French kings never adopted Protestantism was that:
A. as Holy Roman emperors, they were obliged to defend the Pope
B. they already had a great deal of control over the French church because they
appointed bishops in their land
C. the reforms they demanded had been enacted at the Council of Constance
D. the French people demanded that their kings remain loyal to the “true” faith
27. Which of the following statements about the “new monarchies” of the Renaissance
period is not true?
A. They tried to do away with feudal privileges
B. Townspeople often preferred their rule to that of the nobles
C. They laid the foundations for the modern, national state
D. At least on the continent, they relied on Parliaments to give them their
28. Which of the following best describes the political and economic situation in 15 th
century Italy?
A. A few large estates dominated by a wealthy landed nobility
B. A strong unified Italian monarchy
C. Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies
D. Control of Italy by the Pope
29. Machiavelli believed that a Prince’s most important duty was to
A. promote the economic position of the merchant classes
B. promote the spiritual well-being of his subjects by supporting the Papacy
C. stay in power by whatever means necessary and keep order in his kingdom
D. patronize the arts in order to demonstrate his wealth and culture
30. Italian Renaissance society differed from the rest of Europe during this period in
which of the following ways?
A. Strong traditions of kingship
B. Political unity centered on the papacy
C. Number of urban commercial centers
D. Rapid pace of agricultural innovation
31. Renaissance humanism drew its main inspiration from
A. religious asceticism
B. classical languages and literature
C. the curricula of medieval universities
D. the ideas of Dante’s Inferno
32. During the medieval and early modern period, Russia was estranged from western
Europe for all the following reasons except:
A. She was conquered by the Mongols
B. Her trade was primarily with the Byzantine Empire
C. Her alphabet was based on the Greek, rather than the Roman
D. Her religion was Eastern Orthodox rather than Catholic
E. All of the above
33. The political strength of the Medici family in Florence was initially based on
A. a close alliance with the Pope
B. the influence and wealth derived from their bank
C. the support of the lower classes
D. the support of a powerful standing army
34. Beginning in 1483 which family traditionally gained election as Holy Roman
A. Medici
C. Hapsburg
B. Valois
D. Hohenzollern
de Pisan
Henry VII
von Hutten
Richard III
da Gama
____1. Portuguese who first made an all-water voyage to India
____2. Bohemian (Czech) reformer who founded the “Moravian” church &
was burned at the Council of Constance
____3. Founding monarch of the Tudor dynasty
____4. Author of The Decameron.
____5. Conquistador who conquered the Incan Empire.
____6. Dutch Humanist & author of In Praise of Folly.
____7. “Father” of Humanism and author of love letters to Laura
____8. He wrote what may have been the first book of etiquette, The
____9. His circumnavigation of the globe in 1521 showed the actual size of
the earth.
____10. English Humanist; author of Utopia.
____11. Invented movable type printing in the mid-1400’s
____12. Author of City of Ladies which advised Renaissance women on
their duties.