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Cells: Microscopes, Cell Structure, Function, and
Organelles Study Guide
You need to answer the following questions or define
the word on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What invention made it possible for people to discover and learn
about cells?
2. A microscope makes distant or small objects look bigger? Pick one
3. What are the three parts of the cell theory? Make sure you know all
of them!
4. What is magnification? (when using microscopes)
5. What is resolution? (when using microscopes)
6. What is the outer boundary of an animal cell called?
7. What are organelles that use energy from sunlight to produce food
8. Are plant and animal cells larger or smaller than bacterial cells?
9. What are the 6 characteristics of living things?
10.What do you call a change in an organisms surroundings that causes it
to react?
11.What is a plant growing towards light an example of?
12.What is the mistaken idea that living things arise from nonliving
sources called?
13.What do all living things need to survive?….list all of them!
14.What does homeostasis refer to….what does it mean?
15.What did the invention of the microscope allow people to discover
and learn about?
16.What scientist was the first person to observe bacteria cells?
17.What would the total magnification of a microscope with 2 lenses be
if one lens has a magnification of 10 and the other lens has a
magnification of 40?
18.What does the term resolution mean?
19.What is the function of the cell wall?
20.What is the function of the cell membrane?
21.What organelle produces almost all of the energy a cell needs?
22.What organelle produces proteins in the cell?
23.What organelles release chemicals that break down large food
particles into smaller ones?
24.How does a plant or animal cell differ from a bacterial cell?
25.What organelles that are found in plant and animal cells are also found
in bacteria cells?
26.Where can you find specialized cells?
27.The cells in many-celled organisms look the same, have the same
structure, or are quite different from one another?…..pick one!
28.What is an organism called that is composed of many cells?
29.An organisms ability to maintain stable internal conditions is called
30.The cell theory states that cells are the basic structure and _________
of living things.
31.Organelles called ___________ contain chemicals that breakdown
food particles and old cell parts.
32.The sharpness of an image produced by a microscope is called what?
33.What are organisms that make their own food called?
34.What is a light microscope that has 2 or more lenses called?
35.The sharpness of an image is called the what?
36.What structure allows materials to pass into and out of a cell?
37.What are the thin strands inside the nucleus that contain genetic
material called?
38.Where is the genetic material found in a plant and animal cell?
39.Where is the genetic material found in a bacteria cell?
40.What structure is found in plant and bacterial cells but not in animal