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*Review all readings, homework, class work, and journal notes.
*You will need to know the function of all cell structures.
1. How are the cells of unicellular organisms different than the cells of multicellular
2. When Robert Hooke saw “juice” in some cells, what structure was he really
looking at?
3. What are two structures found only in plant cells? (Do not include vacuoles—
animal cells can have small vacuoles.)
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4. Every cell needs a membrane. Why?
5. What are the three parts of the Cell Theory?
6. Please describe the structure of a phospholipid bilayer. What kind of molecules is
it made up of? How are the molecules oriented? Draw a picture to help explain
7. How do the following structures work together? Think about the “Cell Factory.”
 Ribosome
 Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Golgi complex
8. How do mitochondria and chloroplasts work together to help a plant cell work?
9. Explain how the nucleus can control what happens in a lysosome.
10. Define diffusion:
11. A bottle of perfume is spilled in the hallway near the humanities room.
Eventually, the smell reaches the science room. What is happening in terms of
12. What would happen to a grape if you placed it in corn syrup? Would it swell,
shrink, or stay the same? Please explain what happens in terms of osmosis.
13. The cell cycle describes a cell’s life cycle. It begins when the cell is formed and
ends when the cell divides and form new cells. What needs to happen before a
cell divides? (Think about what happens during Interphase.)
14. Please describe important events during each phase of mitosis. Feel free to use
drawings to help you.
a. Prophase:____________________________________________________
b. Metaphase:__________________________________________________
c. Anaphase:___________________________________________________
d. Telophase:___________________________________________________