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ISSN: 1808-5741
[email protected]
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
Lobos, Danny; Donath, Dirk
The problem of space layout in architecture: A survey and reflections
Arquiteturarevista, vol. 6, núm. 2, julio-diciembre, 2010, pp. 136-161
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
São Leopoldo, Brasil
Available in:
This work is about the problem of Space Layout Planning (SLP) applied to Architectural Design. The creation of floor-plan layouts
is key to architecture, and it is a problem that, because of its complexity, does not have a precise general method for its resolution.
An overview and a wide description of the "Architectural Design" process are presented to understand this phenomenon. Secondly
we present a brief history and development of the SLP field, and then a description of the state-of-the-art (techniques, approaches
and strategies) to implement layout solutions. Concepts such as optimization, generative systems, artificial intelligence, genetic
algorithms, physically-based modelling are reviewed and discussed. Commercial CAAD and BIM software is also reviewed.
Conclusions and a discussion about the results and absence of this type of software for architectural practice are presented.
Apace layout planning, computeraided
design, automated architectural floor layout, design methodologies.
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