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nouns name a person, place, thing,
or idea
(singer, store, invention, celebration)
verbs mostly show action- if you
can do it itʼs a verb (run, eat, jump)
linking verbs connect a subject to what it is
or was
(is, was, were....)
adjectives describe nouns: they tell
how much, what kind, which one
(demonstrative: this, that, these, those)
articles - a, an, the
adverbs mostly describe verbs.
They can also describe adjectives
and other adverbs. They tell how,
when, where, how much (very...)
pronouns replace nouns
(he, she, we, I, you, him, her, they.....)
conjunctions connect words, phrases,
or sentences. (and, but, or, nor,
prepositions tell where a noun is in
relation to another noun
(below, with, to, above ......)
interjections show strong feelings
(ouch!, yea!, great!)