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Chapters 2,3,4,&5
You need to consider the following
• How does religion influence the different
developing cultures?
• How does cultural tie into what we have already
learned about politics?
• Did the culture of these places affect the fall of
the empire?
Diverse Forms of Worship
• Older forms of worship persisted in this time
period, especially in less-advanced societies
▫ Usually these were based on veneration of the
spirits (shamanism and animism)
• Ancestor worship remained common in many
societies such as China, Africa, Mediterranean
▫ Funeral practices
▫ Sacrifice, etc.
Is it a religion or a philosophy??????
Culture and Politics
• Key: Religion/Culture is a major component to
the political landscape
• Obedience to the State rather than to a god.
Harmonious earthly life
3 Major Religions develop
• Confucian ideas
Fundamentally moral and ethical in character
Restore political and social order; stress ritual
Government is an extension of family relationships
• Primarily a system of ethics
• Gave bureaucracy a common belief system
Emphasis on individual virtuous behavior both
by the ruler and the ruled
• Education:
accessible to all talented and educated members
of society
Confucius (Kung Fuzi) 551-478 BCE
• Founder
• If people could be taught to emphasize personal
virtue a solid political life would naturally result
• Respect for one’s superiors
• Wrote: The Analects
Principle of Jen:
“Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to
• Mencius▫ promoted Confucius’s teachings and slightly modified
5 Relationships of Confucianism
1. Father and Son
2. Elder brother and
younger brother
3. Husband and wife
4. Older friend and
younger friend
5. Ruler and subject
• Arose about the same time as Confucianism during
the Zhou dynasty
▫ Prominent critics of Confucian thought
• Laozi (Lao-tsu)- furthered Daoism
• Embraced
▫ traditional Chinese beliefs in nature’s harmony
▫ added a sense of nature’s mystery
▫ General conditions of the world unimportant; harmony
with nature is more important
• Han rulers persuaded Daoist priests to stress loyalty
to the emperor
• The doctrine of statecraft
▫ Promoted a practical and ruthlessly efficient
▫ No concern with:
 ethics and morality
 the principles governing nature
▫ Discouraged art, and literature
• Doctrine used by Qin dynasty
• Called for harsh penalties even for minor
• Disdained Confucian values in favor of an
authoritarian state ruled by force
You have how many gods?????
Vedic and Epic Ages
• Aryans (Indo-European) migrants- hunting and
herding peoples originally from central Asia
• Vedas- sacred books of the Aryans
▫ Rig-Veda- 1028 hymns dedicated to the Aryan
▫ Mahabharata- India’s greatest epic poem
▫ Ramayana
▫ Upanishads- epic poems with a more mystical
religious flavor
• Encouraged tight levels of village organization
• Indian caste system takes shape- partly because
Aryan invaders saw indigenous people as
• Unlike all/most other world religions
• Can encourage both political/economic goals
and worldly pleasures
• No founder, no central figure so it unfolded
• Very tolerant of different religions
• Provided several channels for the good life
• Supplied some unity
• Allowed people to hold on to some older rituals
• C. 563 BCE Siddhartha Gautama was born
▫ Buddha is divine
• Started as a rebellion against Hinduism
▫ It was a threat to the Hindu way of life
• Argued for the individual and went against the
caste system and the priests
• Wasn’t able to hold a strong portion of India
• The Four Noble Truths + Noble Eightfold Path =
Religious goal of Nirvana
The Spread
• Allowed many people
to keep old beliefs
• Gave lower class
people hope of a
better life through
• Eventually all of India
but not strong
anywhere else
• Unlike Hinduism
travelled out of
▫ Monks
▫ As it spread it
adopted many of
the local beliefs
• This is the ability of religions to morph and
merge with other religious/cultural beliefs
• By being flexible religions could attract more
• This process was central to the spread of many
of the world’s major religions
• Believe in Karma, Dharma and Moksha
• Expected to following five principle of living:
Non Violence
Speak the truth
No stealing
Only one spouse
Avoid excess
From Polytheism to Monotheism
Religion of Greece and Rome
Both were polytheistic
Gods used to explain nature and human action
Rome borrowed from the Greeks
Christianity is going to develop during the
Roman Empire
• Christians would not put the emperor before God
• Didn’t create a Formal/Significant World Religion
• Monotheistic faith takes shape in this era
• Exile of Jews from homeland begins Jewish
• 400 BCE Jewish doctrines and customs
• Dietary and marriage restrictions
• Jesus of Nazareth (ca. 4 BCE- 29 CE)
• Teachings proved popular among the poor but
authorities soon persecuted him
• Roman law made Christianity illegal
• Apostles tried to spread teachings
▫ Tried to widen its appeal by allowing some changes,
such as not having to observe Jewish dietary
restrictions- this helped convert Greeks and Romans
• Caught on among poor, slaves, noncitizens
• 313 CE Constantine legalized Christianity in Edict of
Culture is more than religion
• China’s culture evolved with very little from the
outside world
▫ Surrounded by barbarians with little to offer
 Didn’t want much from them anyway
▫ Didn’t want to teach others their culture
▫ China did receive some cultural from the outside
 Buddhism
Art in China
• Art was created in a detailed, proportional, and
balanced manner
Nature was emphasized
Often very decorative
Jade, pottery, ivory, bronze, and silk
Science in China
• Many innovations
364.5 days per year
Movement of the planets
Advanced medical knowledge
 Paper, compass, water mills, porcelain, silk, plows
Cultural Developments in India
• Some great pieces of literature were written
▫ Common themes of love and heroics
• Science and Math
One of the worlds 1st university
Sterilization and clean
Small pox vaccine
Number system still in use (0)
• Art
▫ Stupa: spherical shrines to Buddha
Greek Philosophers
• Socrates: one of the founders
of Western Philosophy, virtue,
justice, and piety. Question
Plato: student of Socrates,
Teacher of Alexander the Great,
founded the first higher learning
institution in the western world.
Understand true, good and
beauty. The Republic
• Aristotle: student of Plato,
wrote about many subjects
such as politics, logic,
music, biology, ethics etc.
Math and Science in the Mediterranean
Pythagoras and Euclid:
Galen: Anatomy
Ptolemy: Sun around the
Art and Architecture in the
• Great achievements in Architecture
▫ Columns, Aqueducts
• Theater:
▫ Drama and Comedy
• Seemed to have skipped the Bronze age:
▫ Stone  Iron
• Shinto
▫ Provided for both worship of political leaders and
natural spirits
The Americas
• Olmec
▫ Beginnings of major artistic developments in the
▫ Polytheistic