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Study Guide
Final Exam
World History 102
1.) What is the order of the three peoples that dominated Greece?
2.) What was an important feature of Athenian democracy under Pericles?
3.) What was the direct cause of Athens’s gradual move towards democracy?
4.) Why is it important that Alexander the Great was a student of Aristotle?
5.) In the early Roman government, who were the consuls?
6.) What conflict of interests lay between Rome and Carthage?
7.) What was the Roman code of laws known as the Twelve Tables?
8.) What were the reasons that Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?
9.) Why did Germanic peoples invade the Roman Empire?
11.) What was not a goal of Asoka’s edicts?
12.) What was true about literature and the performing arts in India during the reign
of Chandra Gupta II?
13.) What did Indians adapt from Greek invaders?
14.) Why did Confucian scholars consider agriculture the most important occupation
during the Han Dynasty?
15.) How did Wudi attempt to make his northwest border safe against nomadic
16.) What is the relationship of push-pull factors to causes of migration?
17.) What was the effect of the migration of the Bantu-speaking peoples?
18.) What was true of the “rightly guided” caliphs?
19.) What was the main difference between Sunni and Shi’a branches of Islam?
20.) Why did Justinian set up a panel of experts?
21.) Russian culture was strongly influenced by what?
22.) The Turks’ political and cultural preference for the Persians caused what to happen?
23.) What happened during the Pax Mongolica?
24.) Why did Kublai Khan favor Mongols and foreigners for government posts?
25.) What was not true of women’s status during the Tang and Song periods?
26.) Why did Kilwa seize the port of Sofala?
27.) Why did the Hausa city-states never build an empire?
28.) How did Islam spread throughout Africa?
29.) What best describes the Portuguese attitude toward the Mutapa Empire?
30.) In Africa, as elsewhere, what led to specialization and permanent villages?
31.) What did the development of various languages in Western Europe demonstrate?
32.) Why did learning decline during the last years of Roman Empire?
33.) Why did Henry IV stand barefoot in the snow for three days begging forgiveness of Pope
Gregory VII?
34.) The Concordat of Worms resolved a power struggle between which two groups?
35.) What was the significance of Pope Leo II crowning Charlemagne emperor?
36.) What were the forces holding feudal society together?
37.) What led to the development of the code of chivalry?
38.) How were feudalism and the manor system related?
39.) What problems did the Church face?
40.) What trait did not characterize Gothic cathedral architecture?
41.) What was at stake in the Battle of Hastings?
42.) What was one negative effect of the Crusades that has continued to the present?
43.) What issue led to both the Magna Carta and the establishment of Parliament?
44.) What did the devastation caused by the bubonic plague contribute to?
45.) Which developments did the most to end the Middle Ages?
46.) What kind of person represented the ideal of the “Renaissance man”?
47.) How did Italy’s location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance?
48.) What was an important effect of the invention of the printing press?
49.) How were ghazis and janissaries similar?
50.) Why did the Mughal rulers turn against the Sikhs in India?
51.) Which Mughal ruler was most like Shah Abbas in his views on cultural blending?
52.) Why was Zheng He important?
53.) What were Europeans’ main motives for making voyages of exploration?
54.) Why was the introduction of European firearms in Japan successful?
55.) Why was Tokugawa Ieyasu upset by the success of Christian missionaries?
56.) What was one result of the loss of native lives to disease?
57.) How did slavery in African and Muslim societies differ from slavery in Americas?
58.) According to the policy of mercantilism, how could a nation increase its wealth?
59.) How was Africa affected by the Atlantic slave trade?
60.) What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain?
61.) What problem helped to weaken the Spanish Empire?
62.) How did Cardinal Richelieu work to increase the power of the Bourbon monarchy?
63.) What was the Thirty Years’ war a conflict over?
64.) What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?
65.) What were some of the things Peter the Great did to westernize Russia?
66.) What did Andreas Vesalius and Voltaire both do?
67.) How did Zacharias Janssen make Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries possible?
68.) Who contradicted the ideas in the U.S. Constitution?
69.) In the 1700s, which of the following showed the influence of Enlightenment ideas?
70.) How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals?
71.) How was the tax system in France years preceding the French Revolution?
72.) What issue arose after the king called for the Estates-General to meet?
73.) In what way did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the Third Estate?
74.) What did Napoleon accomplish?
75.) What was one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress
of Vienna?
76.) How were romanticism and nationalism linked?
77.) How were the unifications of Italy and Germany similar?
78.) What impact did technological advances have on industry?
79.) What was a benefit of the railroad in Britain?
80.) How did the Napoleonic wars and French Revolution impact the industrialization of
Continental Europe?
81.) What were the long-term effects of Marx and Engels’s The Communist Manifesto?
82.) How did the democratic reforms in Great Britain change the government?
83.) What was true of women’s fight for suffrage?
84.) How might the French government of the late 1800s and early 1900s be characterized?
85.) What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
86.) What happened as a result of the Sepoy Mutiny?
87.) Why did Western nations desire lands in the Pacific Rim?
88.) What did not happen as result of the Opium War?
89.) What did the Opium War and the Boxer Rebellion have in common?
90.) What effect did the visit of Commodore Perry have on the Japanese?
91.) What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?
92.) What key factor led to the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?
93.) What event in Sarajevo ignited the Great War?
94.) What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?
95.) What gamble did Germany make before the United States entered the war?
96.) What impact did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk have on Germany?
97.) How did the Allies respond to Wilson’s vision for peace?
98.) How did the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II help pave the way for revolution?
99.) What impact did Russia’s involvement in WWI have on the Russian government?
100.) How did life change for Russians after the success of the Bolshevik revolution?
101.) What was not part of the transformation of the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state?
102.) Who were the victims of the Shanghai Massacre and who were their murderers?
103.) What event in 1937 halted the Chinese civil war?
104.) What promises were made to the Indian people in exchange for their service under
Britain in WWI?
105.) What influences created an environment for nationalism in Southwest Asia?
106.) What impact did radio have after the war?
107.) Why did millions of Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Republic?
108.) What was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market?
109.) What fear added to the appeal of fascism in Italy and Germany?
110.) Why did Hitler target the Jewish population as scapegoats for all of Germany’s
111.) The Munich Conference came to symbolize the dangers of what?
112.) What important role did Winston Churchill play during this period?
113.) What was the result of Germany’s invasion of Poland?
114.) What did not motivate Japan to build an empire?
115.) What was the U.S. response to Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia in mid-1941?
116.) How were the Holocaust and Hitler’s “Final Solution” related?
117.) What was the Allies’ plan for victory over the Nazis?