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Raman Amplification of Matter Waves
With the realization of coherent, laser-like atoms in the form of Bose-Einstein
condensates it has become possible to explore matter-wave amplification, a process in
which the number of atoms in a quantum state is amplified due to bosonic stimulation. In
previous amplifiers based on superradiant Rayleigh scattering the atoms remained in the
same internal state [1, 2], a fact that severely limited the performance since the amplified
atoms were scattered out of the final state or served as a gain medium for higher-order
processes. We have now realized a Raman atom amplifier in which the gain medium and
the amplified atoms are in different internal states [3]. Such a system has analogies to an
optical laser in which different transitions are used for pumping and lasing.
The gain mechanism is provided by a polarization grating, a coherence between two
different hyperfine states. We observed an exponential growth of this grating and
characterized its coherence time.
Observation of superradiant Rayleigh scattering. (A) Experimental configuration. A laser beam (wave
vector k) is incident perpendicularly to the long axis of the condensate; its electric field vector E is parallel
to it and the applied magnetic field B. Each scattering event results in a recoiling atom (momentum =q)
and a scattered photon (momentum =(k-q)). The recoiling atoms lie on a shell of radius =k. (B)
Spontaneous Rayleigh scattering. The absorption image shows a halo of atoms. The intensity of the beam
was 1 mW/cm2; the pulse duration was 1 ms. (C) Superradiant Raman scattering as observed for a beam
intensity of 18 mW/cm2 and a pulse duration of 100 µs (the original condensate was fully depleted after
∼10 µs). In both cases the field of view was 1.05 mm x 1.05 mm.
S. Inouye, T. Pfau, S. Gupta, A.P. Chikkatur, A. Görlitz, D.E. Pritchard, and W. Ketterle, Observation
of phase-coherent amplification of atomic matter waves, Nature 402, 641 (1999).
M. Kozuma, Y. Suzuki, Y. Torii, T. Sugiura, T. Kuga, E.W. Hagley, and L. Deng, Phase coherent
amplification of matter waves, Science 286, 2309 (1999).
D. Schneble, G.K. Campbell, E.W. Streed, M. Boyd, D.E. Pritchard, and W. Ketterle, Raman
Amplification of Matter Waves, preprint cond-mat/0311138.