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Radiologic Technology Skill Sheet -- Universal Standards/Infection Control
Objectives: Provide prudent patient care AND prevent the spread of infectious disease among
patients AND staff. Participate in a portable radiographic procedure on a patient on isolation.
Identify a patient as potentially infectious based on the presence of blood
or body fluids which might contain blood.
Initials of RT
Obtain and put on ALL protective apparel indicated for the procedure
(i.e. gloves, eye protection, mask, impermeable gown).
Ensure that all personnel are properly protected.
Clean the room/radiographic table following the procedure.
Portable Procedure in an Isolation Room:
Wash hands and put on necessary items (i.e. gown, gloves, mask, cap).
Assure lead apron is UNDER gown.
Prepare image receptor in protective cover.
Position patient and cassette.
Direct RT in manipulation of portable x-ray machine.
Provide patient instructions for exposure.
Remove cassette and deliver to assistant WITHOUT contaminating.
Remove protective clothing in appropriate order.
Wash hands.
Clean equipment if necessary/required.
Wash hands.
To satisfactorily complete this skill sheet the STUDENT is to complete ALL items above. The
STUDENT SHALL BE ASSISTED on the portable procedure by a qualified radiographer.
Following the procedure, the experience shall be reviewed by the RT, the student, and a Clinical
Instructor (signatures required below.)
Clinical Instructor
All activities for this skill sheet are to be completed during ONE rotation if possible, but at least by the end
of the semester in which the activities were started.
Rev. 3/09