Download The SAS Data Mining Solution for Business Users

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The SAS® Data Mining Solution for Business Users
Anwar EJ.Jawhari
SAS Inslitate Inc.
Presented: Tharsday 10:00 and ~: 30
Data Mining Solution ie deeigned to
accommodate the neede of both buelneee technologiete
and quantitative experte.
A vieual data mining GUI
provide6 a ueer-friendly front-end to the SEMMA
(Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, Aeeeee) proceee which
createe a proceee flow diagram the ueer can modify and
eave. Bueineee technologiete can create a data mining
project with the vieual GUI ueing a Windowe tab folder
deeign, which offers defaulte and point-and-click eettinge
for complex data mining taek6. In addition, ueers can
manage projecte with a de6ktop file explorer application.
Thi6 Demo Theater demon6trate6 how bU6lne66
technologi6t6 can U6e the new Data Mining Solution a6
well a6 how quantitative experte can leverage their