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Geography Skills
I. Movements of the Earth
A. The Earth revolves around the sun in a nearly
circular pattern(orbit). One Revolution takes 365 ¼
B. As it orbits the sun, it also spins on its axis.
One Rotation takes 24 hours
C. The tilt in the Earth’s axis causes sunlight to
strike different parts of the Earth at different timesCreating seasons (tilt is 23.5 degrees)
1. Spring-March 20-21
2. Summer- June 21-22
3. Fall –September 22-23
4. Winter-Around December 21
II. The Globe
A. Scaled model of the Earth
B. Shows actual size, shape, and locations of
landmasses and bodies of water drawn to a
C. Shows the 7 continents and 4 oceans
Continents and Oceans
III. Hemisphere
A. The globe is in the shape of a sphere
B. You see only one half at a time- Hemi
means half (easier to study one half at a time)
C. Geographers divide the globe into 4
hemispheres to study
D. An imaginary line known as the Equator
divides the Globe into the Northern and
Southern hemispheres
IV. Latitude and Longitude
To locate places on a map or globe, we
use the global grid. This grid is made up of
lines known as latitude and longitude.
Latitude lines, or parallels run east to west.
*They measure the distance north or south
of the equator.
Longitude lines, or meridians run north to
south.*They measure the distance east or
west of the Prime Meridian which runs
through Greenwich, England.
D. Latitude and Longitude are measured in
degrees. When writing a location the latitude
measurement is written first. ( 30 N, 90 W)
V. Maps
A. Shows regions on a flat surface
B. Difficulty is showing correct size and shape.
(making something flat that is meant to be
C. Mapmakers use different types of
projections to fix the distortions. Try to
choose the map with the least distortion
D. Types of projections (M6-M7)
1. Same shape maps-accurately shows land
but distorts the size and distance between
2. Mercator Projection- accurately shows
shape of land and direction but distorts the
distance and size
3. Equal-area map-shows the correct size of
land but distorts the shape of the land
especially at the edges
4. Robinson map-Keeps size and shape
relationships of most oceans and continents.
Polar areas are distorted. overall view is good
VI. Using maps
There are five major parts to every map:
1. Title-states subject of the map (read!!!!)
2. Compass rose- shows direction
Cardinal directions-N, S, E, W
3. Key-Shows what the symbols and colors
used on the map mean
4. Locator-Shows where location is on a globe
5.Scale bar-Helps to find the actual distance
between areas on the map
VII. Types of maps
A. Political map-shows the cities, states, countries, or
other political features
B. Physical map-shows a region’s physical features
(hills, mountains, deserts, etc)
1. Elevation map-uses color
2. Relief map-uses shading
C. Special purpose maps
1. Climate maps
4. Human migration
2. Language map
5. world land use
3. Religion maps
6. Historical maps
VIII. Themes of Geography
1. Place-description of what an area is like based on
natural and human features
2. Location- where is it?
Absolute location-use latitude and longitude
Relative location-where one place is in relation to
3. Region-an area with common features that set it apart
from others
4. Movement-Movement of goods, people, and ideas
around the world. How this affects the people and the
area’s development
5. Human/environment interaction-relationship between
people and the land they live on