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The Roman Republic
What legacies were left to Western Society by the Romans?
• 509BC: group of rich nobles (Patricians) overthrow Rome’s king
• Patricians form a republic, in which “citizens” can vote for
representatives in a Patrician-only Senate
• Most citizens are Plebeians (farmers & merchants)
• Plebians want more say in Gov since only
Patrician Senators can make laws
Plebeians force the writing down of Roman laws (12 tables)
All Romans have the right to equal protection under the law
• Except slaves who had no citizenship rights
2. Plebeians are allowed to serve in the gov.
Senate = Patricians
Two Assemblies = Plebeians
Senate has more power ($/war/emperor)
Other Legal Legacies of Rome
Romans believe no one above the law
1) People are innocent until proven guilty
2) The accuser must prove their case, not the accused
3) Unreasonable or unfair laws would be set aside
Justinian’s Code
1000 yrs later Emperor Justinian ordered writing down of all laws
The Justinian Code contained 5,000 Roman Laws
• The code was used in
all legal matters similar to the legal code
be use today
Roman Legacies
1.Govt - Romans = Republic = Representative Democracy (3 R’s)
2. Stadiums
3. Downtowns
4. Aqueducts
5. Language 6. Religion 7. Calendar 8. Architecture & Art