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Head of Department – Colin Barnard
Skills you will develop on this course
The skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation you will develop whilst studying Ancient History will
be invaluable to you as you move on to university or to your chosen career.
You will learn to write in a clear, concise manner, building balanced arguments.
You will also learn to analyse both written and visual sources.
You will hone presentation skills and become more confident when discussing and debating.
You will be taught exam techniques and revision skills.
Topics studied
UNIT 1 - (AS) - Athenian Democracy in the 5th Century BC
Through the use of written sources, artefacts and archaeological sites, you will explore the development
of Athens, and the tumultuous years of the world’s first democracy.
UNIT 2 - (AS) - Augustus and the Principate
This unit will focus on the first Roman Emperor, Augustus, and the development of the Roman Empire
throughout the ancient world. You will use written sources, artefacts and archaeological sites to explore
the roots of the world’s greatest Empire and it’s first Emperor.
UNIT 3 – (A2) - Greece in Conflict 460 – 403
Students will study the Peloponnesian War – a conflict between two of Greece’s most powerful states:
Athens and Sparta. This unit will track the progression of the war and explore how it led to the creation of
the Athenian Empire.
UNIT 4 – (A2) - The invention of Imperial Rome
This unit promotes the study of Imperial Rome by understanding the early emperors and their differing
attitudes and responses towards the Empire. You will be looking at the very different characters of the
Early Emperors of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, from sensible Tiberius to crazy Caligula!
Where does the course lead?
Ancient History A Level can prepare you for many areas including law, journalism, media, civil service,
teaching, and many more.
You will find the skills you acquire from this course useful throughout any career path you choose.
Assessment and Exams
Unit 1 & Unit 2
AS Written exams: 1 hour 30 minutes each.
Section A: Commentary Questions (55 marks)
Candidates are required to answer one commentary question selected from a choice of two. Candidates
answer the three sub-questions set.
Section B: Essay (45 marks)
Candidates are required to answer one essay question from a choice of two. Bullet point guidance is
provided for the candidate for each essay question.
Unit 3 & Unit 4
A2 Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes each.
Essays (50 marks each)
Candidates are required to answer two essay questions from a choice of four.100 years.
Entry Requirements
5 A* - Cs at GCSE, with either an A* - B Grade in History and B in English.
You must be prepared to take responsibility for your learning and be enthusiastic and committed to all
the learning opportunities that will be offered to you.
Revised Sept 2014