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Chapter 4
Chap 4- Prefix
Adrenal glands- endocrine glands located
at the top of the kidneys; secretes hormones
(ex: adrenaline)
Antibiotic- (anti=against, bio=life); chemical
that destroys or inhibits microorganisms
Antibodies- protein substance made by
WBC in response to antigens
Antigen-(-gen=producing or forming) foreign
substance to the body like a poison or virus
Chap 4- prefix
RH condition- (RH+) a person who has a protein
coat or antigen on RBC
 HDN (Hemolytic disease of Newborn): RHwoman and RH+ man have baby. Hemolysis
causes the destruction of RBC’s. Hemoglobin is
is then converted into bilirubin. (During delivery
some of the baby’s antigens may escape into
mother’s blood)
 Prevention test at 28 wks: mother given RH
immune globulin which binds to RH+ cells and
prevents mom from making RH+ antibodies
 Bilirubin- (jaundice) produced when liver breaks
down RBCs; Bilibubin is a brownish yellow
substance found in bile; phototherapy lamp
which changes bilirubin in a form to be excreted
Chap 4
Autoimmune reaction- body makes antibodies
against its own good cells and tissues which
causes inflammation
Ex- Rheumatoid arthritis- autoimmune disease caused by genetics,
environment, or hormones and has joint pain, swelling and
Systemic lupus- chronic inflammation; produces abnormal antibodies
in blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign
Graves disease (hyperthyroidism); thyroid is responsible for
metabolism; too much causes weight loss, rapid heart rate,
nervousness, fatigue, sweating, sleep loss etc.
Congenital anomalies- irregularity in body structure
or organ
Ex- syndactyly
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic inflammation
Grave’s Disease
Chap 4- terms
Contralateral- opposite side
Ipsilateral- same side
Dialysis- complete separation
 Ex- kidney dialysis: separates harmful waste in
the blood that are normally removed by urine
Ectopic Pregnancy- embyo planted outside of
uterus usually in fallopian tube
Parathyroid glands- (dorsal side of thyroid gland)
produce hormones that increases blood calcium
and maintains level
Recombinant DNA- taking gene from one organism
to another; manufactures insulin
Chap 4 terms
Syndrome- a group of symptom that occurs together to
make an abnormal condition
 Ex- Reye condition: children given aspirin after virus;
vomit, brain swelling, intracranial pressure,
hypoglycemia and liver dysfunction
Symbiosis- organisms living together (beneficial)
Parasitism- organisms living together (not beneficial)
Symphysis- type of joint covered by a layer of cartilage
(shock absorber) ex: pubic symphysis
Transurethral- resection of the prostate gland (TURP) is
a removal of prostate gland with instrument through
the urethra
Ultrasonography- diagnostic technique using ultrasound
waves to produce and image (echocardiogram)
Rh condition.
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.
Sites of ectopic pregnancies.
(Modified from Damjanov I: Pathology for the Health-Related Professions,
Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1996, page 393.)
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.
Location of the prostate gland.
Copyright © 2001 by W. B. Saunders Company. All rights reserved.