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Propaganda is biased information
intentionally spread to shape public
opinion and behavior.
Statements about Propaganda
Propaganda contains true, partially true, or blatantly false information.
Propaganda may selectively omit information.
Propaganda simplifies complex issues or ideas.
Propaganda plays on emotions.
Propaganda uses a variety of media (including symbols, images, words,
Propaganda may be used to advertise a cause, organization, or movement
and attack opponents.
All advertising is propaganda.
Propaganda can only be put to negative purposes.
Propaganda seeks agreement, not reasoned argument.
Propaganda is used to brainwash people.
Propaganda works with our conscious and unconscious hopes, fears, and
Propaganda gives permission to a targeted audience to think, speak, and
act a certain way.
Statements about Propaganda
• All advertising is propaganda.
• Propaganda is an appeal to emotion,
not intellect or rational thought, and
often contains deception.
• Advertising is biased information
intentionally spread, but does not
contain deception or an appeal to
Statements about Propaganda
• Propaganda is used to brainwash
Brainwashing: The use of isolation,
mind-clouding techniques, sleep
deprivation, and malnutrition to
persuade someone to completely
change personality/thoughts/actions
Statements about Propaganda
“Many psychologists believe that largescale brainwashing via the mass media
and subliminal messages, for instance—is
not possible because the thought process
requires isolation and absolute
dependence of the subject in order to be
effective. It’s just not that easy to change a
person’s core personality and belief
-Julia Layton
1. Who created this message
and who was the intended
2. What is the purpose/message
of this piece of propaganda?
3. What creative techniques were
used to attract and hold
4. How might different
people/audiences have
understood this message
5. What values, lifestyles, and
points of view are represented
in this piece?
6. What is omitted from this
7. Which emotion(s) does this
piece target?
8. Which propaganda technique
is the BEST description of the
intent of this piece? Why?
The real danger of propaganda lies when
competing voices are silenced—and unchecked
propaganda can have negative consequences.
Propaganda alone cannot win wars or transform
thinking human beings into mindless
The Nazis sold more than hate…they promoted
an agenda of freedom, unity, and prosperity.
Your Homework:
Research a top news story of the day and read
about it from two different media sources. Fill
out the comparison/contrast handout and bring
it in at the beginning of class tomorrow for