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This is the study of the structure
of the human body
What is anatomy?
This is the study of the functions
of the human body.
What is physiology?
This type of anatomy would not
require anything to be magnifyed
What is gross anatomy?
This branch of anatomy may
focus on the brain, spinal cord
and peripheral nerves.
What is systemic anatomy?
A person in this field of study
may focus on how diseases affect
the functions of the human body.
What is pathology
A person who breaks their arm
would most directly affect this
body system
What is the skeletal system?
This organ system would contain
the trachea and lungs
What is the respiratory system?
This organ system has a two
parts: a central and a peripheral
What is the nervous system?
A dermatologist would focus on
this organ system
What is the integumentary
People with gigantism often have
a tumor on their pituitary gland
which causes uncontrolled
growth. This is a malfunction of
which organ system?
What is the endocrine system?
A person who experiences a
headache would have pain in this
body region.
What is the cephalic?
Weightlifters often use belts to
protect this region of their body.
What is the lumbar region?
Whiplash would cause
inflammation in this region of the
What is cervical?
When an athlete has a groin
injury, they injure a muscle in
this region of the body.
What is inguinal region?
Most people use deodorant on
this body region.
What is axillary?
This direction is synonymous
with ventral
What is anterior?
This is the anatomical term for
away from the longitudinal axis.
What is lateral?
The shoulder would be
considered this in relation to the
What is proximal?
This is your pinky finger in
relation to your thumb when
standing in anatomical position
What is medial?
The bones in your leg would be
this in relation to the leg muscles.
What is deep?
This is the body cavity that is on
the anterior side of your body
What is ventral?
This is the term for the organs of
the ventral body cavity.
What is the viscera?
The thoracic and abdominopelvic
cavities are divided by this
What is the diaphragm?
This is the name for the serous
membrane that touches the
surface of the lungs
What is the visceral pleura?
This is the layer of the serous
membrane that touches the inside
of the abdominal wall
What is the parietal peritoneum?