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Oceanography Review! Told you it was short!
Answer the following questions using the following sets of notes
Note set: Oceanography
Note set: Waves, Tides, and Currents
1. What is the average salinity of the world’s oceans? (it’s a percentage)
2. List the 5 major oceans in order from largest to smallest below.
3. What happens to the ocean as depth increases (as you go deeper)?
4. What two things do scientists believe caused the Earths first oceans to form (HINT: it was from
the video we watched and discussed in class)
6. Due to landforms and the Earth’s rotation, ocean currents form huge circuits (circles) in the
world’s oceans called what?
10. The oceans contain approximately _____________% of all the Earth’s water.
11. The oceans cover approximately __________% of the surface of the Earth.
12. What is the highest point on an ocean wave called?
13. What is the lowest point on an ocean wave called?
14. What is the force called that moves cool ocean water from deep in the ocean, up to the surface?
15. The distance that the wind travels across open water is known as what?
16. What are the currents in the deep ocean called?
17. The distance between two crests or two troughs of a wave is called what?
18. What percentage of the ocean floor have oceanographers been able to accurately map?