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World War II
Chapter 19 Notes
World History
C. Simmons
German Path to War
 Hitler defied the West – rebuilt German military,
Luftwaffe – German air force
Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland
Great Britain practiced appeasement – giving in
to reasonable demands
Hitler allied with Italy (Axis Powers)
Anschluss – unification of all German people,
Hitler entered Austria
Munich Conference – Allies gave into Hitler's
Nazi-Soviet Pact – Russia and Germany would
not fight each other
Japanese Path to War
 Japan’s need for natural resources –
invasion of Manchuria
 Japan wanted to build empire in the
Pacific and SE Asia
 U.S. threatened sanctions but Japan
continued aggression
 What dilemma did Nazi-Soviet Pact create
for Japan?
 Why did Nazis and Soviets agree to nonaggression?
Europe at War
 Hitler’s Blitzkrieg – lightning war, stuns
Hitler controlled 3/5 of France by 1940
U.S. followed strict policy of isolationism –
staying neutral
Germans launched major bombing
campaign in Britain, Battle of Britain –
radar helped Britain survive
German troops attacked Russia in 1941
U.S. enters War
 December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, “a
day that will live in infamy” FDR
Brought U.S. into war
U.S. mobilized industry to rebuild fleet
Allies Advance – U.S., Britain, Soviet Union form
allied powers
Invasion of N Africa by Eisenhower, Battle at
Stalingrad turning point on eastern front
Battle of midway by MacArthur turning point in
the Pacific
Last Years of War
 On June 6, 1944 D-Day invasion of France at
By August 2 million men and ½ million vehicles
had landed in France
Pushed back German forces, Battle of the Bulge
last German stand.
1945 German had been defeated, Hitler
committed suicide in bunker, V-E Day May 7,
August 1945 two Atomic bombs dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 14, 1945 V-J
War was over after the deaths of about 55
million people
 What was war strategy for U.S. in the
 What Battles changed the tide of the war?
New Order in Asia and Europe
 Japan used raw materials in SE Asia to
feed its war machine
 Led to thousands dying by starvation
 In German occupied territories nonGerman people were replaced with
Germans (Poland)
 Recruitment of foreign workers because of
labor shortage in Germany
The Holocaust
 Final Solution to the Jewish problem – genocide,
Hitler used the SS under Heinrich Himmler,
Gestapo to carry out plans
Concentration and extermination camps
(Auschwitz) 1.6 million died, about 60% of
European Jews were killed
Total of 15 million undesirables were killed
during the Holocaust
Most common form of execution was the gas
 Why did Allies allow the Holocaust to
 How did Asia and Europe change during
the war?
Home Front and Mobilization
 Total war – complete mobilization of
industry, people and military
Auto industries produced military
equipment from ships to helmets
U.S. was the arsenal – produced most of
war material for Allies
Sacrifice of people – rationing, Japanese
internment in U.S.
Kamikaze pilots in Japan (honor)
Civilians on the Front Lines
 Bombing of cities, especially in Britain
 Air raid sirens became common sounds
 B-29 super fortresses dropping of first
atomic bombs in Japan
 WWII first war civilians were put in this
much danger
Peace and New War
 Conflict evolved from disagreements b/t
big three, Britain, U.S., and Soviet Union
Yalta Conference – split up Germany
Potsdam Conference – continued
Iron Curtain was created – Communism v.
Led to Cold War Era b/t U.S. and Soviets