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Dick & Pat Richardson
University of Texas – Austin
Environmental Science Institute
Intellectual Entrepreneurship Program
Center for Environmental Research
Fundamental Change to
Managing Holistically
Change has been slow and spotty,
made by the leaders and
independent thinkers.
What accelerates individual change,
and transforms a group?
Research Illustration
The Evolution of Norms
Ehrlich & Levin. 2005. Pub. Lib. Sci.,
How do adaptive changes spread and affect
populations when “resistance” to change
The model: Two options exist, but
“resistance” to change from one feature to
another feature differs with circumstances.
Long term result
Low change threshold
Long term result
High change threshold
Paradigm change
Natural selection
Wide diversity,
“fine grained”
Long term result
Intermediate change threshold
Lowering the
Long term result
Local imitation
esp. from
Lowering the Threshold
• Positive peer pressure, group ID (imitation)
• Demonstration with personal satisfaction
• Force (acute trauma from defeatsubjugation, cultural change)
Discovery Learning
•“Discover the ideas rather than instructed”
(avoids “ego” paradigm paralysis)
• Builds confidence, easily modeled
• Enhances creative thinking, innovation
HM-GNH in Politics
• Bridge ideas: Economics & Happiness,
Economics & Ecology
• Definition of measure: GNH, Holistic Goal
• Power of Combination, Reinforcement:
– Incentives: Public appeal, immediate
response (policy, publicity, performance)
– Results: Cross benefits with old views
(correlation of measures, education,
evaluation) “You’re right, and try this…”
Learning & knowing is discovery,
…a process, not a product.
“Either all the earth is holy or none is,
either every square foot deserves our respect
or none does.”
Wes Jackson
Becoming Native to This Place
West Ranch, Texas
Savory Center for Holistic Management
West Ranch, Texas
Savory Center for Holistic Management