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Principles of Muscular
Strength and Endurance
(Primarily A Non-Aerobic Activity)
Chapters 6 and 7
Muscular Strength
– the maximal force a muscle can generate
for a single maximal effort
 One
of the best ways to
determine strength is by
performing a 1-RM (one
repetition max)
Muscular Endurance
– The ability of a muscle to generate a
sub-maximal force, repeatedly, over
As You Develop Strength,
You Will Develop Some
Vice Versa
Defining Sets and
One set is made up of a
number of repetitions
 Example:
One set of 4 repetitions
Identify Your Goal
To build primarily strength and power?
 To build primarily endurance?
 To gain some strength and some
 To develop great hypertrophy (increase
in muscle size)?
Is Your Goal To Develop
Primarily Strength?
– 3 sets on each muscle group
– Fewer than 8 repetitions in each set
– Heavy resistance (80 to 90% of 1RM)
– Fatigue on last rep
– No more than 2 to 3 total body workouts
per week.
Is Your Goal To Develop
Primarily Endurance?
3 sets on each muscle group (possibly more)
More than 12-15 repetitions in each set
Light resistance (50 to 60 % or less of 1RM)
Fatigue on last rep
No more than 2 to 3 total body workouts per
week (possibly more)
Is Your Goal To Develop Some
Strength and Some Endurance?
– 3 sets on each muscle group
– Between 8 and 12 repetitions in each set
– Fatigue on last rep
– Moderate resistance (60% of 1RM /
perhaps slightly more)
– No more than 2 to 3 total body workouts
per week
Is Your Goal Hypertrophy?
Follow strength training procedures
 Add some intensive endurance training
 Example to follow
100 lbs.
3 sets
6 reps (fatigue)
1800 lbs moved
50 lbs.
3 sets
20 reps (fatigue)
3000 lbs moved
How Do I Determine The
Appropriate Amount Of
Resistance For My Workout?
Establish your goal, then choose one
of the 3 following methods to
determine your resistance:
– 1RM
– Trial and error
– Delorme and Watkins
One Repetition Maximum (1RM)
Determine your 1RM
 Work out at a percentage of your 1RM
(percentage is based on your goal)
Trial And Error
 Consider
your goal
 Determine an amount of
resistance you can lift for the
identified number of reps so
that you fatigue on the last
Progressive Resistance Training:
Delorme and Watkins
 Determine
your 10 repetition
maximum (10 RM)
 Complete 3 sets
 Intensity varies by set
–1st set: 50% of 10 RM load
–2nd set: 75% of 10 RM load
–3rd set: 100% of 10 RM load
NEVER hold your breath while
exerting force
 Valsalva effect or valsalva
 Exhale as you apply force
 Inhale as you recover
Practical Guidelines for
Resistance Training
Warm up
 Adjust equipment
 Exercise large muscle groups first
– Legs or large muscles in the upper body
Begin any resistive training program
slowly and with lower intensities
 Ultimately, you must overload
Practical Guidelines for
Resistance Training
Strengthen your weak side:
– Working arms and legs independently
Isolate the muscle group
Protect the back
Total body workout
– Should be done no more than 2 - 3
times per week
– May alternate days
– May alternate equipment to save time
How Many Sets and Reps Should
I Perform?
 First
Time In The Weight
– Complete one or two sets on each
piece of equipment
– Over time, progress to 2 sets, then 3
Rest Between Sets
Maintenance and Re-assessment
Guidelines for Resistance
 Maintenance
–Two sets, two times per week
–One set of 12 repetitions
»Fatigue on the last rep
 Reassess
Factors Effecting Muscular
Strength and Endurance Training
Muscle Size
Muscular strength is lost at a
rate of 1% per year after the
age of 25
– Use it or lose it
Tuft’s University
Benefits of Resistance Training
Prevention of Osteoporosis
 Weight
bearing activity
 Sufficient calcium
 Appropriate estrogen levels
Improved appearance
 Improved body composition
 Hypertrophy: increase muscle size
 Decreased body fat
 Minimal increase in flexibility
 Improved performance in daily living
activities and potentially sport and
game skills
 Increased
basal metabolic
 Increases metabolism
Includes all energy and material
transformations that occur within living
cells necessary to sustain life
 In
short, it is the way the
body produces energy
Metabolic Rate
 The
rate at which one burns
– The higher, the better
 Varies
based on:
– Gender
– Age
– Amount of muscle mass
Metabolic Rate
 Low
metabolism is
primarily related to a
sedentary lifestyle
(no matter the age)
loss of muscle mass lowers
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
 The
number of calories required
to sustain life in the resting
 The higher the BMR (or
calories burned at rest) – the
more desirable
–Develop a calorie burning body!
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
 As
lean body mass increases,
BMR increases
–Each pound of muscle
tissue raises BMR by 30 to
50 calories every 24 hours
–Each pound of fat burns 2
calories every 24 hours
Work Out Willy VS Couch
Potato Pete
170 pounds
Consumes 2900
900 calories spent in
activity & movement
12% BF
BMR=2000 calories
170 pounds
Consumes 2900
500 calories spent in
activity & movement
20% BF
BMR=1600 calories
Willy vs. Pete
 Does
Couch Potato Pete need to
lose weight sense he has 20%
body fat and weighs 170
Types of Skeletal Muscular
 Isometric
 Concentric
 Eccentric
Isometric Contractions
 No
appreciable change in
length of the muscle ( static
 Involves
no skeletal or
joint movement
Concentric Contractions
 The
muscle shortens
during contraction
–Positive contraction
Eccentric Contraction
–The muscle lengthens
during contraction
»Negative contraction
Muscle Soreness
 Results
from structural
 Desirable to have small,
microscopic tears
Avoiding Muscle Soreness
 Stretch
 Minimize
eccentric training
 Minimize isometric training
 Begin training using low
 Progress slowly
Principles of Weight
Training / Rules of
Weight Training
Isometric Training
 Increases
strength at a given
joint angle
 No joint movement
– Must work at a variety of joint angles
– At one time a preferred method of strength
training for athletes
 Used
in rehab settings
Isometric Training
 Isometric
contractions are
contraindicated for:
– hypertensive (valsalva effect)
–individuals presenting
coronary risk
Isotonic Training
 Characteristics
of isotonic
training :
–Constant resistance
–Variable speed of muscular
Isotonic Training
Most common method of strength
– Also known as progressive
resistance training
– Principle of Overload
 Work through a full ROM
 Involves use of free weights or
Free Weights
 Use
a spotter
 Increased chance of injury
 Lack of stability
 May build strength faster
 Weight increments are easily
Weight Machines
 Weight
increments are usually 5
to 10 to 15 pounds
 The machine controls the line of
 Offers stability
 Fewer injuries
 No spotter required
Isokinetic Training
 Computerized
- relies on
 Characterized
– variable resistance
– constant speed or velocity
of the muscular contraction
Isokinetic Training Principles #2
 Disadvantage:Cost
Other Strength Training
 Circuit
 Plyometrics
 Calisthenics
Circuit Training
 Uses
a series of 12 to 15 stations
 Rotate through the circuit 3
 Consists of combinations of:
– Weight training
– Calisthenics
– Brief aerobic exercise
 Develops
muscle explosiveness
and forcefulness
 Consists of an eccentric
contraction followed by a
concentric contraction
 Involves hops, bounds, depth
 High probability of injury
 The
body and its extremities
provide resistance
Calisthenics #2
 Often
used in aerobic dance
 Ab crunches and push ups are
 Best suited as a supplement to
strength training rather than a
 Good approach for a beginner
Design An Exercise Prescription
For The Development Of
Muscular Strength and