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4.7 Identity and
Inverse Matrices
What is an identity?
In math the identity is the number you multiply by to have
equivalent numbers.
For multiplication it is one.
5 * 1 = 5, of course. How is this useful?
If you need to have a denominator of 40 in the fraction
3 5 15
 
8 5 40
What is an inverse?
The inverse is a number when multiplied by
another number equals one.
4 1 4
4    1
1 4 4
4 9 36
 
9 4 36
The identity matrix is a square
matrix with one down the diagonals
In a 2 X 2
1 0
0 1 
In a 3 X 3
1 0 0
0 1 0 
0 0 1
Find the matrices that when multiply
together are the identity matrix.
How do we find the inverse?
? ?  2 8 1 0
? ?  1 3 0 1
 
 
Find the inverse
Find the determinant of
 2 8
 1 3
6 – ( - 8) = 14
We will flip the diagonal of top left and bottom
right, then change the signs the bottom left to
top right diagonal.
 2 8
3  8
 1 3  1 2 
Putting the part together
Take the determinant and put it under one
and multiply it by the moved matrix.
1 3  8
14 1 2 
Lets see if it works
1 3  8  2 8
14 1 2   1 3
1  6  8 24  24 1 14 0 
 
14 2  2 8  6  14  0 14
1 0 
Can there be matrices without
Yes, when the determinate equals zero.
  4 6
 2 3  (12  (12))  0
Since a fraction can not have zero for a
denominator. There would be no inverse.
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