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Subjects and Verbs
Subject Verb Agreement
What is Conjugation?
Subject Verb
Subject Pronouns
• The subject is the person/thing doing/being.
= ich
you = du
he = er
she = sie
= es
= wir
= ihr
= sie
polite you = Sie
(we do not have the “polite” form in English)
• An infinitive of a verb is simply an
unconjuagted verb.
English Examples: to go; to learn; to sing
German Examples: gehen; lernen; singen
In Eng. we have to take out the “to” before
conjugating the verb in a sentence. In Ger.
we take off the “en”.
What is an INFINITIVE?
Conjugating Verbs in English
• In English, once we take off the “to” from
“to go” we have to conjugate it to make it
fit with the subject of the sentence.
Sometimes that means we add nothing to
it. But sometimes we do add letters or
change the word.
• I go. You go. He goes. She goes. It goes.
We go. Y’all go. They go.
Subject-Verb Agreement
In English and in German, you must be sure
that the Subject and the Verb Agree.
Ex. You should not say in English:
I goes to the store.
The correct conjugation is: I go to the store.
So let’s learn the endings that make German
verbs Agree with the subject.
Conjugating German Verbs
• As stated before we take of the “en”. This gives
us our stem to which we will attach our verb
endings. Ex: spielen  spiel (stem)
• ich form = add e
• du form = add st
• er/sie/es form = add t
Ich spiele. (I play)
Du spielst. (You play)
Er spielt. (He plays)
Sie spielt. (She plays)
Es spielt. (It plays)
• Note: the “es” form is for any noun that is a “das”
(neuter) word. “sie” for “die” (feminine-singular)
words, and “er” for “der” (masculine) words.
Conjugating German Verbs
• wir form = add en
• ihr form = add t
• sie form = add en
Wir spielen. (We play)
Ihr spielt. (Y’all play)
Sie spielen. (They play)
• Sie form = add en
Sie spielen. (You play)
• Note that this last “Sie” is the formal you –
used for one or more adults.
Verb Chart
• Take the “en” off the verb, then add the ending!
ich – e
du – st
wir – en
ihr – t
sie (pl) – en
Sie(formal) – en
Your Turn!
Let’s conjugate the verb lernen (to learn)
I am learning German =
Ich lerne Deutsch.
We are learning German =
Wir lernen Deutsch.
You are learning German Y’all are learning German =
Du lernst Deutsch.
Ihr lernt Deutsch.
He is learning German =
Er lernt Deutsch.
They are learning German=
Sie lernen Deutsch.
To one or more adults: You are learning German. =
Sie lernen Deutsch.