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How to Write Learning Targets
Review of Learning Targets
 Learning Targets
 Articulate what is expected of students
 Define what students will be able to do at the end of a lesson
 Include a capability verb and an action item
 Are leveled in complexity
Examples of Learning Targets
 Unit
 Writing a Well Organized Paragraph
 Lesson
 What Is a Well Organized Paragraph?
 Learning Target 1
List the components of a well organized paragraph.
Action Item
Examples of Learning Targets
 Lesson
 What Is a Well Organized Paragraph?
 Learning Target 2
Action Item
Categorize a set of paragraphs into 2 categories -- well
organized and not well organized.
Examples of Learning Targets
 Lesson
 What Is a Well Organized Paragraph?
 Learning Target 3
Action Item
Compare and contrast a well organized paragraph to a poorly
written paragraph.
Scaffolding Learning
 Learning Targets
 Increase in complexity
 Build on knowledge required in previous targets
List the components of a well organized paragraph.
Categorize a set of paragraphs into 2 categories – well organized
and not well organized.
Compare and contrast a well organized paragraph to a poorly
written paragraph.
Your Turn
 Create learning targets aligned to standards,
instruction, and assessment
 Write your learning targets on the board for each
 Talk about the learning targets with your students