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CS 360
Internet Programming
Objectives for this class period
Web programming is important
 Administrative organization of the course
 Introduction to first two labs
 Basic Perl
Job Postings
In terms of specific technologies you should be
familiar with, you should be comfortable
programming in Java, PHP, and/or .NET (any,
but not necessarily all, are desirable). Excellent
working knowledge of HTML is a must. It would
also be helpful to have some experience with
JavaScript, HTTP, and regular expressions.
Familiarity with other web-related technologies
such as Active Server Pages and J2EE is
helpful. You should also have experience
working with relational databases (e.g.,
Job Postings
This full-time or part-time programmer
would help develop our current web
application in JavaScript, PHP, MySQL,
Flex (a bonus), (minimum 2 years
experience in PHP). We are moving in a
transition to AJAX and Python for portions
of our application and knowledge in these
areas is a bonus.
What is CS 360?
It gives you the skills you need to apply for
these jobs
It provides you with Operating System
File Systems
You should have a good architectural view of
internet programming
15 Laboratories will keep you busy
Due nearly every week
Midterm and Final covering book material
 Homework
Due each Friday
 Create a web page
This class should be a lot of fun!
First Lab Due Wednesday
Create a web page for homework
 Make it passwd protected
The first real lab is due on
Install Apache
 Write Perl code to test performance
You will apply this to your web server in
future labs
This shouldn’t be hard, but you need to
get started now
Perl Introduction
Shell scripts
CGI, web engines
Good at
Text processing
Small/Medium sized projects
Quick and dirty solutions
Portability (to a certain degree)
Perl Introduction
Bad at
Efficient large scale computation
 Neat code!
Hello World
# This is a comment. It goes to the end of the line.
# Perl is easy. It helps to be neat.
# Just like C, every statement must end with ;
print “Hello World\n”;
Perl Data Types
Three Main Datatypes
A single number, string or reference.
$sequence = “acgtac”;
$num = 6;
$num = $num + 1;
• A collection of scalar datatypes.
• @insects = ( “hopper acgtacacactgca”,
“flick acgcacacattgca”, “Catapillar acgcatattttgca”);
• $insects[$num] = “ant attaccagga”;
• Length of an array $#insects”
• Pairs of scalars, accessed by keys.
• %hash = ( “Spins” => “Atlas”, “Sings” => “Goldfish” );
• $hash{“Spins”} = “Globe”;
Perl Context
Operations may return diferent values, or do different
things based on the context in which they are called.
Reading from a filehandle
$one_line = <FILEHANDLE>;
@whole_file = <FILEHANDLE>;
Removing Newlines
Perl Syntax
Basic Operators: + - * / ++ -- *= += -= /=
String concatenation: $newstring = $s . “another string”;
Numerical operations
if($x == $y)
if($x <= $y)
if($x > $y)
Less than or Equal to
Greater than
String operations (Based on lexial ordering)
if ($s1 eq $s2)
if($s1 gt $s2)
if($s1 le $s2)
Stringwise equality
Stringwise greater than
Stringwise less or equal
Perl Basics – ‘if’
Selective evaluate blocks of code depending on a condition.
If ($string eq “blah”)
print “String is blah\n”;
elsif ($string eq “spoo”)
Print “String is spoo\n”;
Print “String isnt either?\n”;
Perl Basics - ‘if’
Can also be done as a ‘one-liner’
print “String is foo\n” if ($string eq “foo”);
Unless (Not if)
print “String is not foo\n” unless ($string eq “foo);
Unless cannot have else or else if components.
Perl Basics – ‘for’
Practically the same as C/C++/Java
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
print “i is “ . $i . “\n”;
Perl Basics – ‘foreach’
A handy way of processing a list
foreach $grocery (@groceries)
Can use the default variable ($_)
foreach (@groceries)
Perl Default Variables
Most basic functions will operate on the default
variable by default.
foreach (@list)
Above chomps each element, and prints it.
Perl Basics
Command-line arguments
Contained in @ARGV
 Strings just like C
 $ARGV[0] is not the program name
Environment variables
Contained in %ENV
 print $ENV{“PATH”};
Perl Basics - Subroutines
Identified by keyword “sub”
 Arguments come in @_
 Local variables identified by keyword “my”
$t1 = 1;
$t2 = 2;
$t3 = testsubroutine($t1, $t2);
print "The answer from testsubroutine is: $t3\n";
sub testsubroutine
my $arg1 = shift @_;
my $arg2 = shift;
return $arg1 + $arg2;
#Since _ is default variable, we don’t have to type it
Perl Filehandles
An interface to an open file.
Line read operator is angle brackets.
open(INFILE, “dna1.txt”) or die “cant open dna1.txt: $!”;
print “line $_\n”;
Opening files in other modes
Change the filename string
read dna1.txt
output to dna2.txt
append to dna2.txt
Perl File Reading & Writing
$FILE1 = $ARGV[0];
$FILE2 = $ARGV[1];
open(FILE1) or die "Unable to open $FILE1 for reading\n";
open(FILE2, ">” . $FILE2) or die "Unable to open $FILE2 for writing\n";
while (<FILE1>)
print FILE2 $_;
Running other programs
Use back ticks
Use the system command
$people = `who`;
system(“who > who.dat”);
Using piped input
open(PEOPLE, “who |”);
print “$_ is logged on\n”;
Don’t worry about the CGI in the examples, we
will get to it later
# Create a user agent object
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
# Create a request
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => '');
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
# Check the outcome of the response
if ($res->is_success) {
print $res->content;
else {
print $res->status_line, "\n";
This is really easy
Practice and work with examples from the
 Look at all of the response elements
 You will want to use this perl script to
debug your web server.