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Carbon Cycle
Chapter 2
• Most abundant element found in living
• The Carbon Cycle is when the carbon atoms
flow from living organisms to the atmosphere,
the oceans, and the soil.
Parts of the Carbon Cycle
• Respiration-both plants and animals releases
carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.
• Photosynthesis-using light, plants take carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere, and turn it into
sugars that are used to make new plant parts
(leaves, roots, etc.).
Parts of the Carbon Cycle continued…
• Decomposition-as something rots and breaks
down, the carbon is released back into the
atmosphere, OR if the conditions are right, it
will turn into fossil fuels (oil, coal).
• Combustion-when the fossil fuels are burned,
carbon dioxide (and maybe some carbon
monoxide) are released.
The Role of the Oceans
• When the carbon content of the atmosphere is
high, the oceans absorb large amounts of carbon
• The oceans release the carbon dioxide back into
the air when the atmospheric levels are low.
• However, because we have been burning large
amounts of fossil fuels the last 100 years or so,
the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
rising faster than the oceans can keep up.
Carbon Cycle with pictures and arrows
• Please see Figure 2-9 on page 26.