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The First Global Age: Europe
and Asia
The Search for Spices
Europeans Explore the Seas
• The Crusades introduced Europeans to many luxury goods from
• When the Mongol empire united much of Asia, Asian goods flowed
to Europe along overland trade routes.
• The Black Death and the breakup of the Mongol empire destroyed
• The most valued items were spices, such as cinnamon, cloves,
nutmeg, and pepper.
• Spices were used to preserve food, add flavor to dried or salted
foods, and make medicines and perfumes.
The Search for New Trade Routes
• In the 1400s, Muslim and Italian
merchants controlled most trade between
Asia and Europe.
• To gain direct access to the riches of Asia,
Portugal and Spain, sought a route to Asia
that bypassed the Mediterranean.
• Improvements in technology helped
Europeans conquer the vast oceans of the
Portugal Starts Exploration
Portugal Sails Eastward
• Portugal led the way in exploration.
• Henry the Navigator gathered many sea experts for an exploration
of the western coast of Africa.
• After Henry died, Bartholomeu Dias continued Henry’s journey and
rounded the southern tip of Africa.
• The tip became known as the Cape of Good Hope, it opened the
way for a sea route to Asia.
• In 1497, Vasco da Gama led four ships that reached the great spice
port of Calicut on the west coast of India.
• As a result, the Portuguese seized key ports around the Indian
Ocean to create a vast trading empire.
Columbus Sails to the West
• In 1492, Columbus sailed west with three
ships: the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa
• Columbus found a route to continents
previously unknown to them.
Treaty of Tordesillas
• Spain and Portugal pressed rival claims to
the land Columbus explored.
• Pope Alexander IV created the Line of
Demarcation, dividing the non-European
world into two zones (Eastern and
The Search Continues
• Ferdinand Magellan charted a passage
known as the Strait of Magellan.
• He renamed the Balboa’s South Sea, the
Pacific Ocean.
• The Spanish hailed Magellan’s crew the
first people to sail around the world when
they reached Seville.
The Beginning of Colonization
• The European Age of Exploration set off a
period of growing global interdependence
that still continues today.
• As trade increased, conflicts between
Europe and other civilizations would
become more pronounced.
• Many conflicts emerged in Asia.
Chapter 15, Section 1 Ques.
• Page 368 # 3, 5, 6
Diverse Traditions of Southeast
Geography of Southeast Asia
• Separated from the rest of Asia by mountains and high plateaus.
• Island Southeast Asia is a seaborne trade between China and India.
• Monsoons, shaped trading patterns in the southern seas.
• Southeast Asian ports became important centers of trade and culture.
• International trade network linked India, Southeast Asia, and China to East
Africa and the Middle East.
Impact of European Exploration
Impact of India
• Trade brought prosperity as merchants exchanged products.
• Indians carried a third religion after Hinduism and Buddhism, that
Asians were introduced to, that was Islam.
• Traders spread Islamic beliefs and Muslim civilization throughout the
islands of Indonesia and as far east as the Philippines.
• The prevalence of Islam in lands surrounding the Indian Ocean
contributed to the growth of a stable, thriving trade network.
Rise of the Dutch
• The Dutch were the first Europeans to challenge
Portuguese domination in Asia.
• The Dutch used their sea power to set up
colonies and trading posts around the world.
• In 1602, a group of wealthy Dutch merchants
formed the Dutch East India Company.
Spain in the Philippines
Spain Seizes the Philippines
• While the Portuguese and Dutch set up
bases on the fringes of Asia, Spain took
over the Philippines.
• Within about 50 years, Spain had
conquered and colonized the islands.
• The Philippines became a key link in
Spain’s overseas trading empire.
Mughal India and European Traders
Besides producing spices, India was the world leader in textile
It exposed large quantities of silk and cotton cloth.
The Mughal empire was larger, richer, and more powerful than any kingdom
in Europe.
Both the English and French East India Companies made alliances with
local officials and independent rajahs.
By the mid-1700s, the British and the French had become locked in a bitter
struggle for global power.
In 1756, war between Britain and France erupted in Europe.
The fighting soon spread, involving both nations’ lands in Asia and the
Japan and Foreign Traders
• In 1543, the Portuguese reached Japan.
• A growing number of Japanese adopted Christianity.
• By 1638, the Tokugawas had barred all western merchants and
forbidden Japanese to travel abroad.
• Japan maintained its policy of strict isolation for more than 200
• Isolation had a profound effect on Japan.
• Without outside influence, Japanese culture turned inward.
• In 1853, Japan was forced to reopen contacts with the western
• Renewed relations unleashed an extraordinary period of change
that helped Japan emerged as a major world power.