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Looking Inside Cells
(a tiny tour)
1. What are organelles?
• Structures inside a cell that carry out
specific functions.
• What shape do the cell walls give
to the onion root cells?
2. What is the cell wall?
• Rigid layer of nonliving material that
surrounds plant cells.
• Function: protects and supports the cell
• “City Wall”
3. What is the cell membrane?
• Outside boundary that separates the cell
from its environment.
• Function: controls what substances come
into and out of a cell.
• “City Border”
Thanks for
letting us
• Do animal cells contain cell
4. What is the nucleus?
• Contains the cell’s genetic material (DNA)
• Function: The cell’s control center,
directing all of the cell’s activities.
Who’s in
• “Mayor of City Hall”
charge here?
5. What is the cytoplasm?
• Gel-like fluid in which the organelles are
I think we just got
6. Mitochondria:
• Rod-shaped structure
• Function: Main power source of the cell.
• “energy plant.”
• In what type of cells would you
expect to find a lot of
In muscles cells and other
active cells.
7. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
• Maze of passageways
• Function: Help tranport material through
the cell
• “Highways & Road Systems”
We are
officially lost.
8. Ribosome
• Small, grain-like bodies
• Function: factories that produce proteins.
• “Factories”
You look like small,
grain-like bodies
9. Golgi body
• Flattened sacs and tubes
• Function: receive, package, and distribute
• “Post office”
You remind me of
… pancakes.
10. Chloroplast
• Green organelles found in plant cells.
• Function: capture sunlight energy to
It’s not easy
produce food.
being green.
• “Solar Energy Plant”
11. Vacuole
• Large, water filled sac
• Function: storage area
• “Warehouses, water towers, or garbage
How’d I get
in here?
12. Lysosome
• Small, round structures.
• Function: contain chemicals that break
down food.
• “waste disposal and recycling”
I’m outta
• What organelle captures the
energy of sunlight and uses it to
make food?
12. Compare plant and animal cells
• Plant cells have 2 structures that animal
cells do not:
cell wall, which gives them a boxy shape
chloroplasts, which allow them to capture
sunlight energy.
13. Are all cells exactly the same?
• No! There is a tremendous
amount of variety in cells.
• Their structure reflects their
• However…
Even though there is
tremendous diversity
among cells, every cell has:
• a cell membrane
• same basic organelles
• Uses energy the same way!
• Makes proteins the same
In eukaryotic cells, which organelle contains
the cell’s DNA?
A. Nucleus
B. Golgi complex
C. Smooth ER
D. Vacuole
Which of the following statements
is part of the cell theory?
All cells suddenly appear by themselves
All cells come from other cells.
All organisms are multicellular
All cells have identical parts.