Download How to Read Poetry - Delano High School

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Language Arts 8 Notes
What is Poetry?
• Literature in verse either
rhymed or unrhymed.
• It is intended to be read
aloud for its greatest
What is the language of poetry?
• The language of poetry appeals to
the senses and is grouped under
figurative language or figures of
Absolute Rule #1
• Do not read line by line!
• Read sentence by sentence.
• Pay close attention to the
Absolute Rule #2
• Words are often out of their
normal word order – just as in
song lyrics
• If a sentence is puzzling, look for
the subject and verb and put it
in order.
Absolute Rule #3
• Don’t let single words trip you
• Don’t move on to the next
sentence until you know what
each word/line means!
Poetry Terms to Know:
• The Basics of Poetry – All lines begin
with a capital letter. Any and all
punctuation becomes extremely
important in all lines. Poems are often
organized into stanzas.
• Stanza – AKA: Verse – A paragraph in
poetry. In rhyming poetry, it is
grouped by the rhyme pattern.
Poetry Terms to know…
• End-stopped Lines – lines have end
punctuation. Emphasis should be placed
on this punctuation.
• Run-on Lines – There is no punctuation at
the end of the lines. The reader should not
stop, but go on to the next line.
• Free Verse – Often does not follow poetry
basics. There is no rhyme pattern, but
often an internal rhyme.
Poetry terms to know…
• Rhyme – a repitition of identical or
similar sounds in two or more
different words. Most often used in
• Repetition – the repeating of words,
phrases, or letters.
Figurative Language
Also known as poetic devices, figures
of speech, literary devices and literary
**The use of words, phrases, symbols,
and ideas to create mental images and
sense impressions.
• Words/phrases that appeal to the five
• Example: The rich, thick chocolate fudge
oozed down the sides of the vanilla ice
A comparison of two things using “like” or
Example: The pillow was as soft as a cloud.
A comparison of two things without using
“like” or “as”.
Example: The pillow was a cloud.
Words that begin with the same
Example: tongue twisters – “Sally sells
seashells by the seashore”.
The use of words whose sounds suggest
their meanings.
Example: Bang! Snap! Buzz! Yeow!
Giving human characteristics to an
inanimate object.
Example: The dog danced and swayed to
the music.
A likeness or similarity between things that
are otherwise unalike.
Similar to wolves circling their prey, the
journalists swarmed Justin Bieber.
An expression not meant to be taken
Example: break a date; get lost; make the
A figure of speech containing two
seemingly contradictory expressions.
Example: jumbo shrimp, pretty ugly
A huge exaggeration
Example: I am so hungry I could eat a horse!
I told you that a million times already!
One word or phrase is substituted for
another with which it is closely associated.
Substituting the name of an attribute or
feature for the name of the thing itself.
Example: The Oval Office sent in the
The suits walked into the office.
One word that stands for a larger item or
body of things (directly connected); a part
to a whole.
Example: All ears and eyes on me!
All hands on deck!!
Repetition of the same VOWEL sound
Example: Poetry is so old that nobody
knows how the first poem goes.
Now you try!!
Find a partner for writing your own
1. Simile
2. Alliteration
3. Personification
4. metaphor