Download Athena Minerva - Greek goddess of warfare - wisdom

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Athena <<uh THEE nuh>> was a goddess in Greek mythology. She ruled warfare, wisdom,
and arts and crafts. Athena is shown as a tall, proud woman wearing a helmet and carrying a
spear and a shield. In paintings and statues, she often has a snake at her side and an owl on
her shoulder.
According to some ancient stories, Athena was born full-grown from the head of Zeus, the
king of the Greek gods. Athena was skilled at weaving, sewing, and making cloth. In one
story, a woman named Arachne challenged Athena to a weaving contest. After the contest,
Athena turned Arachne into a spider so that she would have to spend the rest of her life
spinning webs.
The Romans also had a goddess like Athena. She was called Minerva. Minerva was the
favorite child of Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods.
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