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Verbs with reflexive pronouns
In English A reflexive pronoun can be used to show that the subject acts
upon itself. The reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself,
itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
He bathes himself.
I made myself some dinner.
The children dress themselves for school.
Circle the reflexive pronoun and the subject it refers to. Underline the verb.
I drag myself out of bed at 5 AM!
You cut yourself on the glass?
The cat cleans itself.
We admire ourselves in the mirror.
Babies cannot feed themselves.
You found yourselves a new hobby.
She treated herself to ice cream after finishing the race.
He bought himself a CD at the store.
In Spanish Reflexive pronouns can also be used when the subject and object
of a verb are the same. The infinitive of a reflexive verb always contains se:
bañarse. When you conjugate a reflexive verb, the reflexive pronoun changes to
match the subject of the verb.
me baño
nos bañamos
te bañas
os bañáis
usted, él, ella
se baña
ustedes, ellos, ellas
se bañan
Reflexive pronouns either go before the conjugated verb, or are attached to the
end of an infinitive. With affirmative informal commands, they must be
attached to the end of the verb. When using a reflexive verb with a body part or
clothing, use a definite article instead of a posessive adjective.
¿Me lavo las manos?
Sí, lávate las manos.
Nos tenemos que vestir.
¿Vamos a vestirnos ahora?
Circle the reflexive pronoun and the subject it refers to, if it is given. Underline
the reflexive verb.
1. Por la mañana, yo me despierto a las seis y media.
2. Mi hermana se levanta más tarde.
3. Ella y yo nos vestimos después de desayunar.
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4. Mi padre se afeita por la mañana.
5. Mi madre se lava la cara y las manos.
6. Tú tienes que peinarte todas las mañanas.
7. Mis hermanas siempre quieren maquillarse.
8. Niño, lávate los dientes antes de salir de casa.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of each reflexive verb in parentheses.
1. Normalmente yo
me acuesto
a las diez y media. (acostarse)
2. Mis hermanos
a la misma hora. (acostarse)
3. Todos nosotros
para ir a la cama a las diez. (prepararse)
4. Yo
el piyama antes de leer un rato. (ponerse)
5. Leo en la cama porque necesito
6. Mi hermano mayor
la ropa y luego
los dientes. (quitarse, lavarse)
7. Mi hermana menor
y luego
el pelo. (bañarse, secarse)
8. Nadie quiere
ni (=or)
la noche. (afeitarse, maquillarse)
9. Tú siempre tienes que
antes de acostarte. (estirarse)
10. Es porque tú quieres
en forma. (mantenerse)
In Spanish you can often use the same verb with a reflexive pronoun or with a direct
object pronoun. For the subjects given below, write two sentences with the same verb:
one with a reflexive pronoun and one with a direct object pronoun.
1. yo / lavarse la cara / lavar el carro
2. tú / ponerse el piyama / poner la mesa
3. ella / levantarse / levantar pesas
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Negative informal commands
In English An affirmative command tells someone to do something. It is
formed by using the infinitive form of the verb (but without the word to). A
negative command tells someone what not to do. You form a negative command by placing the word(s) don’t or do not before the command. Pronouns
always go after.
Eat your meal.
Talk to your uncle.
Wake yourself up.
Don’t eat so much.
Do not talk in class.
The coffee is cold. Don’t drink it.
Circle the verbs that express commands. Then indicate whether the command is
affirmative or negative.
Affirmative Negative
1. If you go to the gym, don’t forget your ID.
2. Be quiet! The teacher is talking.
3. I’m bored. Please take me home.
4. We are inside a building. Don’t smoke!
5. I like this show. Don’t turn it off!
6. Do not step on the grass. It’s wet.
7. Please tell me the truth.
8. Don’t go to the movies tonight.
In Spanish Negative informal commands are used to tell a friend or relative (someone you address as tú) not to do something. Use the word no followed
by the verb form. For most –ar verbs, you form this command by dropping the
final –o of the yo form, and adding –es. For most –er and –ir verbs, you also drop
the final –o of the yo form, and add –as.
–ar verbs:
–er verbs:
–ir verbs:
(yo) trabajo
(yo) corro
(yo) salgo
(yo) duermo
¡No trabajes!
¡No corras!
!No salgas!
¡No duermas!
Don’t work!
Don’t run!
Don’t go out!
Don’t sleep!
These verbs have irregular negative informal commands.
dar ➔ no des
ir ➔ no vayas
ser ➔ no seas
A pronoun in a negative command must go between no and the verb.
Lee esta novela. Pero no la leas en la cama y no te acuestes muy tarde.
Read this novel. But don’t read it in bed, and don’t go to bed too late.
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Circle the verbs that express commands. Then indicate whether the command is
affirmative or negative.
Affirmative Negative
1. No duermas hasta las doce.
2. No trabajes demasiado.
3. Haz tu tarea todos los días.
4. Despiértate temprano.
5. No seas malo con tus compañeros de clase.
6. No vayas mucho al centro comercial.
7. Prepárate bien para los exámenes.
8. No leas novelas cuando hay examen.
A friend is coming to stay at your house for a month. Use the information provided to make up a list of house rules for him or her. Use pronouns if needed.
1. no comer en la sala y no fumar en ninguna parte
No comas en la sala y no fumes en ninguna parte.
2. ver televisión todo el día
3. ser muy perezoso(a) con los quehaceres
4. acostarse muy tarde
5. dormir hasta las once los fines de semana
6. poner la música muy alto
How do reflexive and direct object pronouns change position in affirmative and
negative commands in Spanish? Where do these pronouns go in English?
a. Quítate los zapatos y ponlos en tu habitación.
Take off your shoes and put them in your room.
b. No te pongas los zapatos. No los lleves a la cocina.
Don’t put on your shoes. Don’t wear them into the kitchen.
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