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Spanglish як прояв білінгвізму
доцент Л.Ткаченко
Дана стаття присвячена Spanglish, що є результатом взаємодії іспанської
та англійської мов у прикордонних районах США, Мексики та Панами. Але
особливого поширення Spanglish набув у двомовних районах Нью Йорка,
Каліфорнії та інших північноамериканських штатів.
Мета даної статті – визначити засоби асиміляції англійських слів та
словосполучень у Spanglish, дослідити сфери поширення даного мовного
явища, його експресивний потенціал.
Стаття рекомендована для студентів спеціальності «Мова та література
(іспанська, англійська)» Інституту іноземноі філології (курси «Лексикологія»,
«Стилістика», «Практика усного та писемного мовлення») та для усіх, хто
цікавиться тенденціями розвитку іспанської мови.
Spanglish – espanglish, espaninglish, el Spanish broken, ingléspañol, ingleñol,
espan'glés, espanolo (blends of the language names "English" and "Spanish") or
jerga fronteriza– refers to the range of language-contact phenomena. It is produced
by close border contact and large bilingual communities along the United StatesMexico border and California, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida,
Puerto Rico, The City of New York, and Chicago.
In the late 1940s, the Puerto Rican linguist Salvador Tió coined the terms
Spanglish and inglañol, a converse phenomenon wherein Spanish admixes with
English; the latter term is not as popular as the former. The Spanish words adopted
into English in recent years have been mostly those of foods, words such as taco,
tapas, flan, enchilada and burrito, plus a few related to Mexican culture, such as
piñata and machismo. Word borrowings from English to Spanish are more
Spanglish is caused by the infiltration of English vocabulary and, less
commonly, even syntax into the Spanish language. Although it isn't always
possible to accurately predict how or if a word of one language will be adopted
into another language, there are some patterns that are evident. For example, the
terms most likely to be adopted are those where the acquiring language doesn't
have convenient terms of its own.
In Mexico, the term pochismo applies to Spanglish words and expressions.
Likewise Spanglish is common or in Panama, where the 96-year (1903-1999) U.S.
control of the Panama Canal influenced much of local society, especially among
the former residents of the Panama Canal Zone. But it is in the United States where
the most extreme cases of Spanglish can be heard. Spanglish also is known by a
regional name, e.g. "Tex-Mex" in Texas. In the USA some Spanish-speaking
immigrants and their descendants use Spanish and English interchangeably, even in
the same sentence.
Spanglish is an instance of linguistic phenomena, known as code mixing, code
switching, and bilingualism. Code switching occurs when a speaker switches
from one language to another. Code mixing takes place when a speaker uses small
components of one language while primarily speaking another. Spanglish phrases
often use shorter words from both languages as in: Yo me voy a get up (rather than:
"Yo me voy a levantar" or "I'm just about to get up"). A common code switch in
Puerto Rican Spanglish is using the English word "so" (therefore): Tengo clase, so
me voy.
Code mixing gives a linguist the puzzle : are these English or Spanish?
Tengo que ir al bus stop para pick up mi hija.
Haz clic aquí. (Commonly seen on Spanish-language Web sites.)
Llamenos para delivery. (Seen on advertising signs in Peru.)
Se venden bloques. (Signs in Guatemala.)
Tips para marketing. (Advertisement in Mexico.)
This is a code switching dialogue from the Spanglish novel Yo-Yo Boing!, by
Giannina Braschi:
Ábrela tú.
¿Por qué yo? Tú tienes las keys. Yo te las entregué a ti. Además, I left mine
¿Por qué las dejaste adentro?
Porque I knew you had yours.
¿Por qué dependes de mí?
Just open it, and make it fast.
Spanglish can be heard not only on the streets and in the supermarkets, but also
on some radio and television stations, although its use in writing is seems to be
limited mainly to the hip young. Less extreme examples can be seen all over the
Internet, where English words, especially those related to technology, often replace
the Spanish equivalents. English words also are creeping into everyday speech in
Spain and Latin America, spread through advertising, movies, and the other media
of popular culture.
Spanglish is often the use of already existing spanish words in their English
senses (borrowings-meanings, according to V Vinogradov). It also may result from
calquing English words and phrases.
For example, the word carpeta is "folder" in standard Spanish. In some
variants of Spanglish it means "carpet" (room rug). In Spanglish, the word boiler
denotes both a "water heater" and a "boiler". The standard Spanish words are
calentador de agua (water heater) and hervidor (boiler). Norsa is the transformed
english word "nurse", which is used instead of the standard Spanish enfermera.
Van (la van) is Spanglish for the English word van, instead of the standard
Spanish la furgoneta. Troca denotes "pickup truck" instead of the standard Spanish
camioneta. Parquear is used instead of the correct Spanish estacionar; it derives
from the English word "to park". The word clutch (pronounced as "cloch") is
Spanglish for the gear-shifting device of an automotive transmission. The standard
Spanish word is embrague. In Spanglish, yonque denotes "junkyard" and is used
instead of the standard Spanish desguace.
The Spanish aplicación denotes "usage application"; in Spanglish, it denotes a
"paper form" (school admission application, job application, etc.) and is used
instead of the standard Spanish solicitud, "request"; by extension, the verb aplicar,
"to apply", also is so used. The Spanish aplicación and the English "application"
have different meanings, though they are formally alike. For the same reason
suceso is used to denote "success", leading to expressions such as fue todo un
suceso, "it was a complete success"; however, suceso also denotes "an event" and
"a happening", hence, the phrase fue todo un suceso might be translated as "it was
a great happening". The English "success" is the Spanish éxito; Spanglish speakers
mistake it for "EXIT", salida (the way out).
Computadora derived from "computer" is now accepted standard Spanish,
despite the original Spanish term ordenador. Accesar derives from the computer
usage "to access", instead of acceder, the accepted standard Spanish form. Spanish
speakers denounce this redundant anglicism as Spanglish.
The English verb "push" corresponds in Spanish to empujar. In Spanglish,
puchar is used to the same effect. The verbs bulear, janguear, parisear and
vacunar derive from the English verbs "to bully", "to hang out", "to party", and "to
vacuum"; however, vacunar is standard Spanish for "to vaccinate". The verbs
platicar and charlar mean "to chat small-talk", however, an on-line conversation
by IRC or IM is chatear.
The Spanglish verb chequear derives from the English verb "to check",
replacing the Spanish verbs verificar "verify" and comprobar "ascertain".
Chequear now is an accepted standard Spanish word; its variant cheque denotes
"the transaction went well", as in receiving small change in Honduras. This word
also is used as checar. U.S. and Latin American Spanglish speakers use the verb
fiestar, "to party", which corresponds with fiesta, "a party", these derive from the
standard Spanish verb festejarse, "to celebrate oneself", while divertirse denotes
"to have fun", "to party" in slang American English.
The adjectives serioso/seriosa denote the English serious instead of the proper
serio/ seria. Actualmente, meaning "currently," "at present" is frequently misused
to replace English actually and in fact. The proper Spanish term for actually is de
Bye bye (pronounced bu-bye) is both a Spanglish usage and a Mexican usage,
instead of the standard Spanish adiós (go to God or go with God). On the other
hand, Spanglish affects some English words and phrases. Thus, Hasta you later is
a corruption of hasta luego.
Other common borrowings include emailiar or emiliar, "to email", nerdio,
"nerd", and laptopa, "laptop computer".
Calques from Spanish to English occur not only on the lexical but also on the
syntactic level. Many verbs are given indirect objects they do not have in standard
English; notably, "put": "She puts him breakfast on the couch!" These correspond
to the Spanish poner and meter with the indirect object pronouns le and les,
indicating the action was done in behalf of someone else.
The expression llamar para atrás is calqued literally from the English "to call
back"; cf. standard Spanish devolver la llamada, "to return the call". This example
of calquing an English idiomatic phrase to Spanish is common Puerto Rican usage.
On the phonetic level Spanglish is manifested in a case like this: a Spanish
street advert showing baidefeis instead of the Spanish gratis (free). Baidefeis
derives from the English "by the face", meaning "free". Other examples are: deiof
"day off "; chopin "going shopping"; lonche "midday meal","food served to guests
at event": pari "party"; boila "boiler".
An interesting example on the semantic level is aeróbica (from English
aerobics), which has acquired in Spanglish the meaning of "dynamic female".
Thus, there are different ways Spanish usesto adopt English vocabulary:
Outright adoption: Some words of business and technology such as
marketing, merchandising, rating (as of a TV show), CD-ROM and flash (for
cameras) have become more or less accepted as genuine Spanish. Other terms,
such as email and links, exist side by side and struggle for supremacy with
equivalents of Spanish derivation (in this case, correo eléctronico and enlaces).
Generally speaking, nouns added to the language in this way are masculine. One
prominent exception is la Internet, probably because a synonymous term, la Red
(the Net), is feminine. (The usage el Internat is also used, but less frequently.)
Often terms that enter the language through popular culture also are adopted
unchanged. Examples include OK, sexy, cool, Top 40, rock, rap, and oh baby,
which have varying degrees of acceptance.
Adoption with changes to make them more "Spanish": This is especially
common with verbs, which usually get the -ear suffix. Examples include tipear (to
type), clickear or cliquear (to click, as with a mouse), emailear (to email), and
pompear (to pump gasoline). As for nouns, a political meeting is sometimes called
a mitin, and a block for buildings is a bloque.
Use of English cognates or literal translations: reportear for "to report"
instead of informar, and remover for "to remove" instead of sacar. Such usages are
common in newspaper and magazine articles translated from English, less so in
articles originally written in Spanish. Other examples include the usage, especially
in Latin America, of educación instead of pedagogía for "education" and
computadora instead of ordenador for "computer."
There is a growing use of English in the everyday speech and writing of
Spanish-speaking people. Purists may be alarmed. According to Stavans, professor
of Latin American and Latino Culture at Amherst College (who has also translated
the first part of the Spanish classic Don Quixote de la Mancha into Spanglish),
says its use can be inspiring: "There are many people out there that speak English,
Spanish and Spanglish. It is a language that, to this day, academics distrust, that
politicians only recently have begun to take it more into consideration. But poets,
novelists and essayists have realized that it is the key to the soul of a large portion
of the population."
Though Gerald Erichsen calls his article Spanglish: English's Assault on
Spanish, the author calms down the possible alarm of the defenders of the Spanish
language: considering the fact that there are more people who speak Spanish as a
first language than speak English as a first language, Spanish is in no danger of
dying out.
1. Courtivron, Isabelle. Lives in Translation: Bilingual Writers on Identity and
Creativity. – Palgrave McMillion, 2003.
2. Diccionario de la lengua española. –Vigésima segunda edición//
3. Erichsen, Gerald. Spanglish: English's Assault on Spanish
4. Lorenzo, Emilio. Anglicismos hispánicos. 1996. Editorial Gredos, ISBN 84249-1809-6 // Sources/8424918096
5. Stavans, Ilan. Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language, ISBN
0-06-008776-5 // Sources/0060087765
7. Виноградов В.С. Лексикология испанского языка.– М.: Высшая
школа, 1994. - 192 с.