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Joints problems can be tricky, because they are in a constant
change from the puberty until the end of our lives. There are
many things that can cause the pain in our joints, but the most
common are joint infection, strains, autoimmune disorders,
osteoarthritis and gout.
Aging, suffering injuries or even sitting the wrong way could do
damage to the joints and lead to diseases such as arthritis.
There are many ways to prevent damage to the joints but the
key factor is to keep them strong and stable, together with
muscles and bones.
Joint Flex is unique 100% natural nutritional supplement and
its individual components have broad-spectrum effect while
working in harmonious accord. Joint Flex is also important in
preventing joint deterioration as well as strengthening binders,
tendons and joint capsules.
Healthy joints are the basis for movement. To maintain their
good functional state it is necessary to take care of them
before we suffer from pain or before signs of a smaller range
of movement. According to statistical data, every third patient
seeing a doctor complains of disorders of the locomotor
It is caused by several factors, e.g. a sedentary lifestyle as well
as long-term over-loading, smoking, insufficient nutrition, extra
weight and other factors that negatively impact the elasticity
and strength of joints and nutrition of joint cartilage.
Chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine are structural
components of cartilage and their supplementation in nutrition
may help maintain cartilage in a good functional state. The
mentioned components are a part of a complex of natural
supplement for joint support - JOINT FLEX.
Their effect is supported by other components of the
supplement as well MSM, hyaluronic acid and the amino acid
proline are key for collagen synthesis.
Extracts from Vilcacora and Boswellia together with bromelain
prevent from changes due to inflammation; they reduce pain
and joint rigidity and they also have a detoxification effect.
White willow bark extract mimics the effects of aspirin - it
reduces inflammation and pain.