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Medicarpin is one
These four phytoalexins provide broad+pectrum
protection against cancer, heart disease, macular
of the most interest-
During their usual and ongoing research into the
properties of various nutrients, they discovered
degeneration, catatact development, memory
that there was a very high concentration of 12
different polyphenols in a "super grape" grown
right here in America, called the Muscadine
grape. However, no one had developed a natural method for safely harvesting these delicate
compounds. Shaklee teamed up with scientists
ing of the phytoalexins. It is found
at high levels in
Shaklee's Alfalfa
loss, and even improves the detoxiflcation of the
liver.43 You can leam much more about these
substances at the Carotenoids
Complex (#20160), which is naturally made
from pure and natural organic alfalfa. This compound has been found to be so powerful that
Merck Pharmaceutical Company patented
synthetic version of
as a therapeutic agent to
treat allergic conditions, asthma, cardiovascu.
lar disorders, and This helps
explain why Alfalfa Complex has always been
very popular in the Shaklee Field for managing
respiratory and allergic
Flavonoids are another class
of phytoalexins, and they are
found in Shaklee's FlavoMax
(#20653) and again in
Vitalizer. UCLA
researchers found that people
who ate foods containing certain flavonoids appeared to be
flavonoids are necessary to provide these medi-
The Shaklee Difference has never been more
profoundly expressed than by the way they
create their soy isolate protein drinks. First
supplements, refening to them as 'functional
foods." In almost all cases, these manufacturers
are using inexpensive synthetic copies of these
broad spectrum of benefits, including being anti-
microbial, anti-oxidative, anti-tumor promoting,
cholesterol lowering, anti-ttrombotic (inhibits
the formation of clots in blood vessels), and even
blocks damage to cellular DNA.43 This Shak-
lee product is a profound addition to your
medicine cabinet, and is the perfect partner
with Defend and Resist Complex (#20613)
Sustained Release Yita-C (#20095) for helping
prevent and combat bacterial or viral infections.
E 14,".
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Terpenoids and Carotenoids are another
group of phytoalexins that include zeaxanthin,
sulforaphane, lycopene, and lutein. A1l four
of these are found in Shaklee's CarotoMax
(#20652) and Vitalizer (for Women #20283,
Men#20282,and for everyone over 50 years, either with viamin K #20284, or without #20285).
rapidly became one of their leading products.
The Shaklee Difference
Many manufacturers are now rushing to add
some these substances to foods, drinks, and
(#20084). It is the first such compound discovered in garlic, onions and leeks, and provides a
pounds.e Because their care and dedication always leads to producing superior products, Vivix
protected from developing lung cancer. Their research also indicated that only small amounts of
cal beneflts.s
Allicin is found in Shaklee's Garlic Complex
atthe University of Georgia, and spent more than
a year developing an extraction process that both
protected and concentrated these amazing com-
molecules, even though synthetic versions of
these substances have never been clinically
tested for their safety or effectiveness. This is
most unfortunate, because previous studies with
synthetic duplicates
natural vitamins have
lailed to reproduce the favorable health out
comes experienced by people who eat diets rich
in fruits and vegetables.
Why is Shaklee Better?
Simply put, it's because Shaklee supplements
have always been sourced from organically
grown fruits, vegetables, flowers, and grains. Because of Shaklee's careful scientific product development and manufacturing procedures, they
have always contained these beneflcial organic
nuffients. Shaklee is also unique in the supple-
and foremost, Shaklee does not use genetically
modifled (GM) soybeans. This is very fortunate,
because recent animal studies indicate numerous
health risks associated with GM food consumption, including infertility, immune disruption,
accelerated aging, and bizane changes in organs
like the liver, kidney, spleen and gastrointestinal
tracts of tested animals. The American Academy
of Environmental Medicine3 scathing review of
the health threals posed by GM consumption is
most Shaklee adopted an expensive
genetic certiflcation process called the ldentity
Preserved Program to guarantee that the soybeans they use are not genetically modifled.
Shaklee also avoids using the industry-standard
alcohol and hexane extraction method for soy
processing, because it was found to trap the
most important isoflavones, and created crosscontamination with the other chemicals used in
this process.46 Shaklee uses a slower, and more
ment industry because they use an advanced
expensive water-washing method, which retains
high levels of genistein and daidzein. This is why
laboratory technique cal7ed chromatography
Shaklee soy products can deliver all the health
to help identify the presence and concentration
of the chosen molecules in all raw materials.l0
These same techniques help determine which
benefits of soy.
manufacturing procedures can provide the most
protection for these delicate molecules during
the production of powders, gels, tablets, and
perfect example of Shaklee's approach in
developing unique products is the story behind the creation of their Yivix Liquid Dietary
Supplement (#21200 or 22911 Kosher version).
You can always rely upon the fact that Shaklee
products are superior. After leaming about these
unique phytoalexin compounds, it makes it even
more evident why they are healthful. Shaklee's
commitment to excellence starts with the conception of the new product, accelerates through
review ofthe peer-reviewed literature on the raw
materials, and concludes with clinical trials that
demonstrate they are well absorbed, and deliver
on their promise,